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Unit 9 The Fire 【模拟试题】(答题时间:60分钟) Ⅰ. 根据句意和首字母补全单词: *1. On the morning of August 5, 2006, there was a ????????fire in the big city. *2. When the policemen ???????here, the hurt man was taken to the hospital. *3. Yesterday Lucy ?????????into a river while she was playing with her friends near the river. *4. Please wear a heavy coat to protect yourself ????????wind and snow. 5. ?????????others were using big searchlights to look into the rooms. ? Ⅱ. 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空: watch?? catch?? against?? putout?? fight?? control *1. Last night an apartment building in Kelly’s neighbor hood ????????fire. **2. When the ambulances were coming, there were a lot of people ????????the fire. 3. It’s a good way to wear a helmet ????????smoke and fire. **4. The big fire hadn’t ?????????by the end of this week. **5. The firemen were busy ???????the fire. 6. Some of people were ????????fire with water. ? Ⅲ. 根据中英文提示完成下列各句: 1. 刚才那位老人在街上犯了心脏病。 The old man ???????????????????on the street just now. 2. 昨天李奶奶在回家的路上从楼梯上摔下来了。 **Yesterday Grandma Li ???????????the stairs ??????????????. 3. 他们尽最大努力把人们从建筑物中救了出来。 **They ???????????best to get the people out of the buildings. 4. 我路过那家商店时,消防队员正在奋力灭火。 *When I walked past the shop, the firemen were trying ????????????????. 5. 刚才王老师怎么了? ???????????????????? ?Miss Wang just now? ? Ⅳ. 单项选择: 1. The foreigners arrived ???????????Beijing two weeks ago. A. in???????????????????? B. at????????????????????? C. to??????????????????????????? D. on *2. No one was ???????????in the car accident. A. hurted?????????????? B. hurting????????????? C. hurts???????????????? D. hurt **3. The Greens ????????TV when I saw them. A. were watching?? B. watch?????????????? C. was watching??? D. watches 4. You’d better ?????????in class, It’s not polite. A. talk?????????????????? B. to talk?????????????? C. not talk???????????? D. not to talk *5. It’s really nice ????????you. Thank you for your helping. A. to???????????????????? B. at????????????????????? C. of???????????????????? D.


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