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第 25 卷第 3 期 计 算 机 应 用 研 究 Vol. 25 No. 3 2008 年 3 月 Application Research of Computers Mar. 2008 基于正交设计求解动态鲁棒问题的新算法 * 石 慧, 曾三友, 陈 光 ( 中国地质大学( 武汉) 计算机学院, 武汉 430074) 摘 要: 设计了一个基于正交设计法求解动态鲁棒优化问题的新算法 ( RODEA) 。该算法把目标搜索区域划分 成很多小邻域 ( 小生境) , 每个小生境都有一个代表 , 对每个小生境用正交设计法( 构造正交矩阵进行抽样) 搜索 可能成为小生境代表的潜在优解。还设计了一个基准测试函数用来测试动态鲁棒优化问题。实验数据表明 RODEA 用来求解动态鲁棒问题具有很好的效果。 关键词: 正交设计; 动态鲁棒优化 ; 小生境 中图分类号: TP301. 6 文献标志码 : A 文章编号: 1001- 3695( 2008) 03- 0732- 03 Orthogonal evolutionary algorithm for dynamic robust optimization problems SHI Hui, ZENG San-you, CHEN Guang ( School of Computer Science, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074 , China) Abstract: This paper proposed a robust dynamic evolutionary algorithm based on orthogonal design ( RODEA) . The popula- tion of the dynamic evolutionary algorithm consisted of niches. Each niche had a representative which represented its fitness. An orthogonal design method was employed on the niches for the mutation operator to find a potentially good solution that may become the representative in the niche. The fitness of the offspring was therefore likely to be higher than that of its parent. It employ a complex benchmark, consisting of moving function peaks, to test new approach. Numerical experiments show that the moving solutions of the algorithm are a little worse in objective value but robust. Key words: orthogonal design; dynamic robust optimizing; niche 在一个激烈变化的动态环境下, 如果目标对环境变化很敏 在求解动态优化问题时, 时间不断变


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