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3 1 4 V ol . 3 1, No . 4 20 11 8 Bulletin of So il and Water Co nserv atio n A ug . , 20 11 1, 2 2 1 杨方社 , 李怀恩, 曹明明 1. , 710069 ; 2 . , 7 1004 8) : , , , 0 . 04 ~ 0 . 09 ; , , , , : ; ; ; : A : 1000- 2 88X 2011) 04- 0094- 05 : T V 14 3 Roughness Coefficient of Seabuckthorn Plant Flexible Dam Under Field Water-flow Experiment 1, 2 2 1 Y A N G F ang- she , L I H ua-i en , CA O M ing- ming ( 1. Colleg e of Urban and E nv ironmental Science , N orthw est University , X i an, Shaanx i 710069, China; 2. Key abf or N orthwest Water Resources and Eco-environment of M inistry of Education, X ian University of T echnology , X i an, Shaanx i 7 1004 8, China) bstract: In order t o analyz e the r oug hness coeff icient of t he seabuckthor n plant flex ible dam, a field w ater flo w t est on the seabuckthorn plant flex ible dam w as conduct ed in t he seabuckthorn plant f lex ible dam test base in X iao- hua- shan Reservoir, H uaxian Count y, Shaanx i Pro vince. T he est imation fo rmula of t he sea- buckt ho rn plant flex ible dams r oug hness coef f icient w as deriv ed by t he r iv er sediment dynamics t heor y, and the ro ug hness coeff icient s of t he seabuckthorn plant flex ible dam


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