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药学学报 Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica 20 18, 53 (6): 839 844 ·839 · 型环脂肽抗生素达托霉素研究进展 彭希希, 王赛赛, 付 琛, 胡昌华, 廖国建* (西南大学药学院, 现代生物医药研究所, 重庆 4007 16) 摘要: 作为首个进入临床应用的新型环脂肽抗生素, 达托霉素抗菌活性强, 耐药比例低, 已成为治疗耐药革 兰阳性菌所致感染的一线用 。本文主要对达托霉素的抗菌谱、生物合成途径、作用机制、耐药机制、构效关 系、新型衍生物 surotomycin 和铁载体 达托霉素偶联物杀灭耐 鲍曼不动杆菌等研究结果进行综述, 以期为新 型达托霉素衍生物研发有所裨益。 关键词: 脂肽; 达托霉素; 抗菌谱; 作用机制; 耐 机制; 构效关系 中图分类号: R96 1 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 0513-4870 (20 18) 06-0839-06 Current status and future perspectives of daptomycin development * PENG Xi-xi, WANG Sai-sai, FU Chen, HU Chang-hua, LIAO Guo-ji an (Ins titute of Modern Biop harmaceuticals, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Southwest University, Chongqing 400716, China ) Abstract : Due to the potent bactericidal activity and low incidence of drug resistance, the novel cyclic lipopeptide antibiotic - daptomycin has emerged as one of the first line antimicrobial agents in the treatment of serious infections caused by gram-positive resistant pathogens. This review summarizes the research advances of daptomycin in recent years, mainly including spectrum of antimicrobial activity, biosynthesis, mode of action, mechanism of drug resistance, structure-activity relationships, surotomycin and siderophore-daptomycin conju gate to kill multidrug resistant Ac inetobacter baumannii . The findings summarized in this review highlight the directions of next-generation of daptomycin derivatives. Key words: lipopeptide; daptomycin; spectrum of antimicrobial activity; mode


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