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安徽省企业技术创新与价值提升研究 安徽省企业技术创新与价值提升研究 摘要 企业技术创新最重要和最直接的意义在于它可以促进经济的增长,从根本 上提升企业的价值。在现代管理理论中,企业价值已经取代利润成为新的企业 逻辑,研究技术创新提升企业价值的传导机制,并从实证角度研究安徽企业技 术创新与企业价值的相关性佐证了技术创新在企业价值战略中重要地位。分析 安徽省企业技术创新存在的问题,探索和建立适应安徽省经济、科技发展的技 术创新对策和机制,是当前安徽省经济工作中迫切需要研究的课题。 本文首先运用FCF模型对江淮汽车集团进行价值评估,发现了技术创新等 因素能给企业带来高溢出价值。并通过构建企业价值层次结构系统研究了技术 创新提升企业价值的具体传导过程。在理论研究的基础上,本文对安徽省企业 技术创新提升企业价值做了实证研究,发现了各个指标间的显著正相关关系。 文章最后运用基本的统计分析方法分析了安徽省企业技术创新的现状和存在问 题,并提出了促进安徽省企业技术创新的对策。 关键词:技术创新企业价值传导机制实证分析 Research Research of Enterprise Technology Innovation and Value Promotion of Anhui Province ABSTRACT The most important and direct significance of enterprise technology innovation is that it can promote the economic development and upgrade enterprise value radically.In modern management theories,enterprise value which has already substituted profits,is becoming new business enterprise logic.The paper discusses conduction process from technological innovation to enhancement of the enterprise value and analyzes the correlations between technological innovation and enterprise value by examples of some enterprises in Anhui Province tO prove that technological innovation has an important position in enterprise value strategy. Analyzing current issues of the enterprises technical innovation,exploring and establishing technology innovation strategies and mechanism adapted to development of economic and scientific in Anhui Province are becoming an important subject to the current economic work in Anhui Province which is need to be studied urgently. The paper analyzes the value of Jianghuai Automobile Group by the FCF model first,and then finds out that the factors such as technical innovation can bring high premium valuation to enterprise value.The paper researches the specific conduction process from technological innovation to enhancement of the enterprise value by constructing hierarchical system of enterprise value.On the basis of theory research,the author analyzes the examples that technological innovation has promot


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