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硕士论文 硕士论文 “再设计”提井产品社会价值 摘要 针对当今中国企业设计的现状与社会发展的需求,提出利用再设计提升产品的社 会价值这一论点,并指明再设计提升产品社会价值的原则与方法,期望本研究结果能 给中国企业的今后发展提供一定的参考意见。 第一章,阐述当前中国企业的规模与研发状况,指出中国企业应重视再设计这种 设计方法。第二章,详细对再设计进行介绍,指出再设计应符合社会发展的规律,提 升产品的社会价值。第三章,通过对于价值的阐述指出,人类与社会发展的需求演变 要求现代社会应重视产品的社会价值,承上启下。第四章,从三方面详细阐述了再设 计提升产品社会价值的意义及方法。第五章,通过结合无锡公交车再设计的实例,从 实践中加以论证本文的观点。 关键词:再设计,社会价值,产品 硕士论文 硕士论文 “再设计”提井产品社会价值 Abstract Focuses on the Chinese companies’existing conditions and the requirement of the social development,the thesis points out that the Chinese companies should use redesign to improve the products’social values.Then it also introduces the redesign’S criteria and method.It iS intended that the research work could be useful to the Chinese companies’development. The chapter one analyses the conditions of the Chinese companies,then points out that the Chinese companies should pay more attention to the redesign in their productions. The chapter two mainly introduces the concept,the character and the classification of the redesign.Then it puts forward that redesign should be according to the principle of the social improvement.Redesign should improve the products’social Values. The chapter three introduces the concept,the character and the classification of the social values,then points out that with the development of the people’S requirements and the social requirements,people should Pay more attention to the social values. The chapter four analyses the purpose of redesign to improve the products’social values from three points and then summarizes the redesign’S criteria and method to improve the social values. The chapter five contains the practical examples of the bus redesign of Wuxi,which is also the verification of rules and conclusions drawn from the thesis. Key words:redesign,social values,products Ⅱ Y Y 625383 声 明 本学位论文是我在导师的指导下取得的研究成果,尽我所知,在 本学位论文中,除了加以标注和致谢的部分外,不包含其他人已经发 表或公布过的研究成果,也不包含我为获得任何教育机构的学位或学 历而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同事对本学位论文做出的贡献均 已在论文中作了明确的说明。 研究生签名: i土赴 2.o一年7月6 13 学位论文使用授权声明 南京理工大学有权保存本学位论文的电



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