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Ab Ab stract Content Huang Zunxian(1 848—1 905),the author of Annals of Japanese History,is the outstanding poet and the historian in the late Qing Dynasty.During Japan Huang Zunxian served as counselor of the embassy.He realized that Japan according to the western country has made great social progress.Huang Zunxian hopes China carl draw lessons from Japan to reform.He began to study Japanese history and institutions.Huang Zunxian start to write Annals ofJapanese History. The writing of Annals of Japanese History last seven or eight years.After the Sino .Japanese War of 1 894—1 985,Annab ofJapanese History began to be published to meet the demand of understanding Japan.With the increaseing knowledge and the changing thought of Huang Zunxian,he start to modify Annals of Japanese History.So Annals of Japanese History have many versions and different content. Annals ofJapanese History has forty volumes and five hundred thousand words.Annals of Japanese History covers the development of Japan and highlights the Meij i Restoration.The principle of method used in the book.The history and historical thought of Annals of Japanese History based on our tradition of historiography.The development of modem historiography has an important position. Annals ofJapanese History has an effect on chinese.Annals ofJapanese History has a distinctive value.Annals ofJapanese History summarized the Meij i Restoration in Japan and opened the window for Chinese people looking the world.Annals ofJapanese History has an effect on Kang Youwei. Key words:Annals ofJapanese History Huang Zunxian modem history IV 万方数据 目 目 录 摘 要 ..III ABSTRACT . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . ..IV 目录 V 绪{仑 .1 一、选题意义 1 二、学术史回顾 2 三、论文设计 . 4 四、创新与不足 5 第一章 《日本国志》作者黄遵宪生平 6 第一节黄遵宪的家世及读书科考 .6 一、黄遵宪的家世 .6 二、黄遵宪的读书科考 .7 第二节国外生活 .8 一、驻日参赞 一8 二、驻旧金山总领事 .9 三、驻英参赞 10 四、任新加坡总领事 10 第三节回国后的政治社会活动 11 一、办理教案、主持谈判 11 二、参与维新运动 12 第四节晚年生活 12 本章小结: 。13 第二章 《日本国志》的写作与出版 一14 第一节黄遵宪编纂《日本国志》的动机 14 一、参赞官的使命感 14 二、对中国人不了解日本的不满 14 三、思想的


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