硬度前馈控制在热连轧上的应用 .doc

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辽宁科技大学本科生毕业论文 第 PAGE 1页 硬度前馈控制在热连轧上的应用 摘要 随着现代化工业技术和生产工序自动化的迅速发展,对带钢的品种规格、尺寸精度及性能都提出了更高的要求,因此厚度设定模型及自动厚度控制(AGC)一直是热轧带钢自动化首先实现的功能。AGC系统的主要任务是对带钢全长进行厚度控制以保证带钢的厚度精度及其百分比。由于实际轧制过程的复杂性、 控制对象的非线性、时变性,单纯的AGC控制系统都不能取得较好的控制效果。因此,为了提高热轧带钢厚度精度,采用硬度前馈AGC方案, 建立了KFF-AGC控制算法的数学模型,并分析了带钢热连轧过程造成厚度偏差的主要原因。结果表明,中等宽度带钢热连轧机应用KFF-AGC系统后,带钢厚度精度明显提高,热连轧机下游末两架精轧机的轧制力波动变化小,且带钢轧制过程更加稳定,为板形控制创造了良好的条件。本文通过将实测值与传统结果相比较,证明了硬度前馈厚度控制系统能够很好的映实际工况,通过改变预设定参数值,得到参数对工作过程的影响规律,加入一些调节方式,提高了热轧过程中重要参数的精度及其动态特性,本文的研究结论在生产现场得到了验证,提高了热轧机生产产品的质量。 关键词: 热连轧机; 带钢; AGC; 数学模型; 厚度偏差; 硬度前馈 Abstract : With the rapid development of modern industrial technology and automated production processes, varieties of steel specifications, dimensional accuracy and performance have put forward higher equirements . Therefore, the thickness of setting model and automatic gauge control (AGC) has been the first function of hot strip mill automation. The main task of AGC system is to control gauge of the whole strip and to ensure its precision percentage. Simple AGC system can’t obtain preferable effect due to the complex of rolling process and non-linearity time-variety of controlling objects. Therefore,To rai se t he t hickness p reci sio n of t he hot rolled st rip , KF F2A GC ( hardness feed2fo rwardA GC) i s p ut fo rward and a mat hematical mo del t hat describes t he KF F2A GC co nt rol algo rit hm i s de2 velop ed. When applied to t he 850mm hot st rip mill s , KF F2A GC system co nt ributes to bet ter st rip thickness qualit y , mo re stable st rip rolling p rocess , and less roll fo rce deviatio n of F6 and F7 on do wnst ream stands , which means bet ter st rip p rofile and flat ness co nt rol in hot st rip mill s.In this paper, the measured values compared with the traditional results proved that the KFF-AGC system can well reflect the actual operating conditions. By changing the value of the pre-set parameters, we got the impac


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