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刊 首 语 出版人及总编辑 David Connett David Connett publisher@ 副总编辑 劳 莉 sabrina@ 编辑部 he Circular Economy Promotion Law was implemented 吴越辉 nancy@ T in China on 1st January 2009. This law provides legal 林绍斌 design@ 尹 婷 magazine@ support for the development of the remanufacturing 江秀丽 editor@ industry in China. Cartridge remanufacturing started in the 1980s based on the principle of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. 总经理 李广连 tony@ Cartridge remanufacturing suits the circular economy concept. In China, with the impact from regulations and 销售部 梁雪燕 anna@ policies, as well as from the market, ‘green’ cartridges have 杜 馨 sales@ drawn more attention than ever. Some manufacturers 朱稳全 kevin@ focus more on their remanufactured products. However, 展览部 the remanufacturing industry is on a rocky road in regards 李昌恒 charles@ to the laws and regulations, consumers’ concepts, market 苗劲松 morrow@ competition, standards, empties collection. In this issue we 英国总部 explore how remanufacturing can be better developed in 地 址: 12 Spinners Court, West End, China. We also interview Shanghai Luge Recycling, which Witney,OX28 1NH, United Kingdom 电 话: +44 1993 899 800 is the first empty collector certified b


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