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——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— DATE \@ dd/MM/yyyy 07/05/2015 PAGE 4/ NUMPAGES 4 DATE \@ dd/MM/yyyy 07/05/2015—————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 购销合同 FRAME CONTRACT AGREEMENT 合同编号: Contract No. : BETWEEN The Buyer 甲方: 公司 Tel: Fax: The Supplier 乙方: 公司 Tel: 经甲 、乙双方相互交流,友好协商,本着诚实,守信的原则达成本合同条款,以供双方共同遵守。 Following friendly discussions and based on the principle of mutual interest, the Buyer agrees to purchase from the supplier the under mentioned goods on the terms and conditions stated below. I General terms of Purchasing 订单发出: 以此采购条款为依据发出的我公司的书面订单才具有法律约束力。订单中所包含的其它不同条款必须经我公司书面批准后,方具有法律效力。认可订单或交货条件表明供应商已认可这些采购条款。当事人保证以书面形式确认特定的口头协议。 Issue of orders: Our orders shall only be legally binding when issued in writing on the basis of these purchasing conditions. Different conditions contained in the order acceptance shall only be legally valid if we approve these differences in writing. The acceptance of the order or the delivery shall indicate that the supplier has recognized these purchasing conditions. The parties undertake to confirm forthwith any particular verbal agreement in writing. 接受订单 供应商收到订单后必须在2个工作日内以书面形式确认,除非具体合同中规定了其它条款。电子定单不需另外确认。 Acceptance of orders: Our orders must be acknowledged in writing within 2 working days of their receipt by the supplier, unless other conditions were agreed for a specific contract. Electronic orders do not require an explicit confirmation. 价格 除非交货条件另有说明,


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