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毕业设计说明书 题 目:年产6万吨环氧乙烷氧化反应工序工艺设计 毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 年产6万吨环氧乙烷氧化反应工序工艺设计 摘要: 环氧乙烷是基本的有机化工产品之一。工业上环氧乙烷主要由乙烯与氧气在银催化剂作用下直接氧化制得。本设计主要是针对年产6万吨环氧乙烷氧化反应工序进行的工艺设计。阐述了环氧乙烷的基本性质及用途;在确立了环氧乙烷氧化反应工艺流程的基础上,根据设计任务书的要求及已知的设计参数对氧化反应工序进行物料、热量衡算,并对反应器及环氧乙烷吸收塔进行了工艺计算,对工艺涉及的主要换热器进行了选型。对氧化反应工序进行了平立面布置设计,对反应器及器后冷却器涉及的管道进行了配管设计;绘制了环氧乙烷氧化反应的管道及仪表流程图(PID)、平立面布置图及局部的管道布置图。 关键词: 环氧乙烷 乙烯 直接氧化 工艺设计 小4号宋体,1.5倍行距(要求200~300字) (空2行) 关键词: ××× ××× ××× ×××(小4号宋体) (小4号黑体) 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要 Title Annual output of 60,000 tons of ethylene oxide oxidation process design process Abstract Ethylene oxide is one of the basic organic chemical products. It was obtained mainly by the direct oxidation which ethylene and oxygen on the catalyst of silver. This industrial design was mainly about producing 60 thousand tons of ethylene oxide in the oxidation process. The basic properties of ethylene oxide and the use were described. According to the design plan requirements and the known design parameters, oxidation process was conducted including material and heat balance on the bases of the process of the ethylene oxide oxidation. At the same time, the reactor and the absorption tower were obtained by the calculations in chemical engineering technology; the main technology-related heat exchanger was selected; the oxidation process was carried out on the facade layout design; the reactor and the pipeline involved converters cooler pipes were done by piping design; the ethylene oxide oxidation involved piping and the instrumentation diagram (PID), facade layout map and local channel layout map were portrayed. Keywords: Ethylene oxide Ethylene oxide process design 目录 TOC \o 1-2 \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc17080 1 引言 PAGEREF _Toc17080 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc16193 1. 1 环氧乙烷的性质、用途及本设计的背景、规模 PAGEREF _Toc16193 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc17989 1. 2 环氧乙烷的生产方法及比较 PAGEREF _Toc17989 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc14481 2 流程简述 PAGEREF _Toc14481 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc5143 3 物料、热量


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