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对我国农村劳动力转移影响因素及其均衡的分析摘要 对我国农村劳动力转移影响因素及其均衡的分析 摘要 农村剩余劳动力的转移问题是当前各发展中国家在经济社会发展过程中遇 到的共同问题,我国改革开放以来的经济快速发展使之成为困扰我国经济社会 发展的难题,不仅关系到社会主义新农村建设,也关系到全面建设小康社会能 否实现。 本文对农村劳动力转移问题主要是从理论和实证两方面入手进行分析。理 论方面是以二元经济结构理论为基础,在介绍国内外对农村劳动力转移相关研 究成果的基础上,对我国农村劳动力转移的发展历程、特点以及制约因素进行 了分析,通过比较国外的劳动力转移模式总结了经验教训,并以城乡居民收入均 等化为假设条件估算了均衡农民数量;实证方面则选取了农村居民家庭实际人 均纯收入、城乡人均实际收入差距等六个影响农村剩余劳动力转移的因素,建 立了多元线性回归模型进行分析;最后,结合我国实际提出了诸如破除城乡分 割的体制性障碍、加快工业化进程等一系列改善农村劳动力转移的相关思路与 对策。 关键词:二元经济结构;农村剩余劳动力;劳动力转移模式;均衡实证分析 Ⅳ Study Study on Af]fecting Factors of Rural Labors Transfer and Its balance in China ABSTRACT The transfer of rural surplus labor force is the common problems of deVeloping countries encountered in the process of economic and social deVelopment,it has become a obsession to economic and social development when rapid economic deVelopment of China after ref.0rm and opening-up,not only related to the building of a new socialist countryside,but also related to the achievement of a well—off society. In this paper,we analyzed this problem through theoretical and empirical. :Based on the theory of dual economic structure,on the basis of introduce the releVant research at home and abroad, we analyzed it’s deVelopment history’ characteristics and constraints of the rural labor f6rce transfer in China at present, compared the transfer pattems of rural surplus labor between countries and draw lessons from it. On the aspect of empirical analysis,we estimate the equilibrium number of peasants at the assumption of equal income of urban and 11lral residents,selected six factors which af.fected the transfer of mral su印lus labor force and empirical analyzed it through establish a multipIe linear regression model. At last, considering the reality,we put f.orward series of ideas and countermeasures such as eliminate the institutional obstacles that separate urban and mral areas,speed up the process of industrialization et cetera to promote the transfer of rural labor fbrce. Keywords:Dual economic structure; surplu



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