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玉林师范学院?本科生毕业论?文 小学生课堂问?题行为的原因?分析 及对策 Cause Analys?is and Counte?rmeasu?re of Classr?oom Proble?m Behavi?or among Pupils? 院 系 教育科学学院? 专 业 小学教育 班 级 2008级 姓 名 黄燕芳 学 号 200813?405165? 指导教师单位? 教育科学学院? 指导教师姓名? *** 指导教师职称? *** 小学生课堂问?题行为的原因?分析及对策 小学教育20?08级小教理?08班 黄燕芳 指导老师 *** 摘要 我们将小学生?在课堂上出现?的、或隐或显的、没有积极投入?到课堂学习中?,从而影响自己?和他人的学习?效能甚至扰乱?正常课堂教学?秩序的行为称?为小学生课堂?问题行为。在新课改广泛?实施的今天,这许许多多的?课堂问题行为?严重违背了素?质教育的理念?,影响了教学进?度,不仅妨碍了问?题行为学生自?身的健康发展?,也对其他学生?造成了严重的?影响。 针对上述问题?,本研究旨在了?解小学生课堂?问题行为的现?状,揭示小学生出?现课堂问题行?为的原因,并提出预防和?应对小学生课?堂问题行为的?有效策略。本文从学生自?身因素、教师因素、环境因素三个?方面对课堂问?题行为的原因?进行探讨,并在此基础上?从预防、控制、矫正三方面提?出了课堂问题?行为的应对策?略。 关键词:小学生,课堂问题行为?,应对策略 Cause Analys?is and Counte?rmeasu?re of Classr?oom Proble?m Behavi?or among Pupils? Elemen?tary Educat?ion (Mathem?atics and Englis?h) 2008 HuangY?anfang? Superv?isor *** Abstra?ct Pupils?’ classr?oom proble?m behavi?or is the behavi?or that the studen?t who displa?yed or not, did not take active?ly partic?ipate in studyi?ng in the classr?oom ,which affect?ed their learni?ng effici?ency and others? ,even distur?bed the normal? order in classr?oom teachi?ng. Today, new curric?ulum widely? implem?ented, which has affect?ed the progre?ss of teachi?ng, not only preven?ted he develo?pment of their own health?, but also for other studen?ts with seriou?s effect?s. To solve this proble?m, this study will discus?s the status? of classr?oom proble?m behavi?ors in primar?y school?, reveal? the causes? of pupil’s proble?m behavi?ors, and propos?e to provid?e effect?ive strate?gies for classr?oom proble?m behavi?ors. In order to study reason?s of classr?oom proble?m behavi?ors, studen?ts themse?lves, teache?r and classr?oom enviro?nmenta?l factor?s are discus?sed. On the basis of preven?tion, contro?l, correc?t classr?oom proble?m behavi?ors, this study will discus?s strate?gies of coping? classr?oom proble?m behavi?ors. Key words: primar?y school? studen?ts, classr?oom proble?m behavi?o


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