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第三单元 企业宣传资料翻译 Unit 3 Translation of Corporate Promotional Material/Literature 3.1 语篇类型、功能与翻译目的Text Type, Funtion and Skopos 企业宣传资料 Corporate Promotional Material /Literature “宣传鼓动”(vocative)或“施加影响”(operative) 文字性广告由标题、正文、口号和商标四部分组成,各部分单独出现也称为广告。 Name is the game(决胜于品牌) 寻找国外市场,传播的是信息,宣传的是企业形象及其产品,其主要特征为功利性 Sales as ultimate goal of advertising 3.2 英汉企业宣传资料的差异及翻译原则 Sales as ultimate goal of advertising but differences in symbolic references; different structures of knowledge differences in methods of persuasion Content内容 Form 语言表现形式和行文结构 3.3 翻译要点Key points 3.3.1套用英语习见结构Using the conventional strucure in the TL 英语习见结构: conventional strucures in English 陈述句: Things go better with Coca-Cola. 畅饮可口可乐,保您万事如意。 Motorola Wings 摩托罗拉, 飞越无限 祈使句: Just do it!(Nike耐克运动鞋) 想做就做! 疑问句: How can something so small be so smart? 体积虽小,功效惊人 名词短语: Ideas for life(Panasonic日本松下电视) 实现你的梦想 Human Technology(Nokia诺基亚移动通讯) 科技以人为本 形容词短语: Easy In and Easy Out – swivel cushion(汽车驾驶员坐垫) 旋转坐垫,进出自如 Too Good To Eat Just One(LAY’S 乐事薯片) 吃了还想吃 介词短语: In Touch with Tomorrow(Toshiba东芝电器) 沟通未来 超越时空 套用英语习见结构: Application 绿色好心情 Feel it now (祈使句) 一生相伴 It’s for a lifetime(陈述句) 肌肤娇好,年年岁岁 Better skin year after year (名词短语) 没有最好,只有更好 To make the best even better (不定式短语) 3.3.2 运用修辞手段Use of figures of speech/rhetorical devices 修辞手段在英文广告中的应用Use of rhetorical devices in English advertising 双关pun I’m More satisfied. “莫尔”香烟,我更满意。 夸张hyperbole Theres no place like Spiegel. Theres no place like home to shop. 斯匹克天下无双! 到斯匹克购物宾至如归! Enjoy the flavour of the worlds NO.1. 请君享受世界一流的味道。 隐喻metaphor EAR FOOD Give a listen to Sanyos newest CD players. Theyre moveable feasts for music-hungry ears. 耳朵的美餐 可移动的新一代三洋CD机,饱您耳福的音乐美餐。 排比parallelism The CORDIA: Shaped by the wind; born for the road. 戈迪亚牌汽车:应路而生,风雨造就! 头韵aliteration Choosy mothers choose Jiff. 挑剔的母亲专爱挑吉弗牌花生酱 尾韵rhyme Compact impact 体积虽小,颇具功效 仿拟parody One man’s disaster is another man’s delight. The Sale is now on.一


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