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必修1 Unit4 1.立刻,马上right/straight away 2.发现难闻的气味give off a smelly smell 3.太紧张而吃不下be too nervous to eat 4.水管开裂The water pipes cracked. 5.突然大哭burst into tears; burst out crying 突然大笑burst into laughter; burst out laughing 突然闯入房子burst/break into the house 气球爆了the burst of a balloon 6.仿佛,好像as if/though 7.结束,终结at an end 8.三分之二的幸存者two thirds of the survivors 9.呈一片废墟lie/be in ruins 10.损失惨重The suffering was extreme. 11.受重伤be severely/seriously injured 火速把伤者送往医院rush the injured to the hospital 12.对…评价低/不重视think little/nothing of 13.吹走,刮走blow sth away 14.铁轨the railway tracks 泥泞小道a muddy track 了解/了解…的动态,与…保持/失去联系keep/lose track of 追踪导弹track the missile 田径运动track and field 15.成千上万的牛tens of thousands of cows 许多人hundreds of thousands of/ a great of number of people 16.做…没用It’s useless/no use doing 17.文化冲击culture shock 休克be in/go into shock 电击electric shock 对令人震惊的消息感到震惊be shocked at the shocking news 18.被困在废墟下be trapped under the ruins 被诱骗签了合同be trapped into signing a contract 夹住/压扁手指trap the fingers 落入陷阱fall into a trap 为…设下圈套set a trap for… 19.遭受自然灾害之苦suffer from natural disasters 在灾区in the disaster hit/stricken area 20.救援队a rescue party/team 救援,帮助××come to one’s rescue 矿工被人矿井救出来The miners were rescued from the coal mines. 21.挖出被困人员djg out those who were trapped 挖掘/发现真相dig out the truth 开始津津有味地吃米饭dig into a bowl of rice 探寻中国历史dig into Chinese history 把双手深深插入口袋dig one’s hands into one’s pocket 寻找dig for 22.掩埋死者bury the dead 被活埋be buried alive 埋头于,专心于工作be buried in one’s work; bury oneself in 23.为幸存者建避难处build shelters for survivors 避难,庇护take shelter from; shelter from 保护…不受伤害shelter…form… 24.金属条/棒metal bars;一块巧克力a bar of chocolate; 最后进了监狱end up behind the bars 25.恐吓做/不做…. frighten sb into/out of doing sth 一个令人恐怖的夜晚a frightening night 一个感到害怕的孩子a frightened boy 27.一封邀请函a letter of invitation; 拒绝/婉言谢绝sb的邀请turn down/decline one’s invitation 28.演讲give/make/deliver a speech 29.一辆刚修好的自行车a newly-repaired bicycle 29.祝贺你成功congratulate you on your success; congra


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