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基于CORBA技术的电信综合网管系统构建摘要 基于CORBA技术的电信综合网管系统构建 摘要 近几年来,随着我国通信技术的迅速发展,电信网络的规模不断扩大。 网络设备的种类和数量也不断地增加,整个网络的复杂性日益提高,多厂 商问题非常突出。由于各种网络和设备缺乏统一的接口标准和规范,给网 管系统的建设带来了很大的困难。 鉴于中国联通目前移动通信网络现状和网管建设情况,结合实现网管 的综合化,提高网络效益,减小网络维护成本的要求,中国联通拟建设 CDMA95/1X移动综合网管系统,对移动通信网进行统一维护、统一管理。 TMN作为当前的一种主要网管技术,为综台网管的建设提供了很好的 思路,但它对于如何构造管理系统咀及管理系统之间如何实现互操作,并 未深入研究。丽CORBA目前已经是一种比较成熟的分布式面向对象技术, 非常适用于开放的电信市场环境下业务的快速构造及资源和业务的有效 管理。 有鉴于此,本人拟对目前构建综合网管系统最为理想的一种解决方 案t一一TMN和CORBA技术的结合,以中国联通CDMA95/1X移动综合网 管的建设为背景,以如何利用CORBA技术实现中国联通CORBA北向接 I-1中兴通讯部分为研究过程,作一引鉴与思考,以拓宽我国在建设综合网 管的渠道,推进综合网管建设的发展。 关键字:CORBA,TMN,电信综合网管,北向接口 DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRATED TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BASED 0N CORBA TECHNOLOGY ABSTRACT In recent few years,with the rapid development of the telecommunication industry in China,the capacity of the telecom network is becoming larger and larger, more and more kinds and numbers of network equipments are existed in the network which makes the network more and more complex,the problem of multi equipment vendors becomes sharper than ever before.and the lack of the unified interface standard and specification for each kind of network and equipment brought great hurdle in the development of the network management system. Based on current mobile telecom network condition and the progress of the development of the network management system,with the demand of integrating of the network management,improving the network efficiency and reducing the maintenance cost,China Unicorn plans to develop CDMA95/1X mobile integrated network management system,and maintain and manage the mobile network in a unified way. TMN is a most commonly used network management technology and it is a good approach for the development of integrated network management system,however it does not address more detail on how to construct the management system and how to implement the interoperation among the management systems.On the other hand, CORBA is a relative mature distributed Object Oriented technology



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