
表面物理与表面分析 丁训民.pdf

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CONTENTS P REFACE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chapter 1 Introduction !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 1. 1 Characteristics of Surface !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 1. 1. 1 Unique Characteristics of Surface !!!!!!!!!!! 2 1. 1. 2 The Subj ects of Surface Physics !!!!!!!!!!!! 4 1. 2 Methodology of Surface Science !!!!!!!!!!! 7 1. 2 . 1 General Idea !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7 1. 2 . 2 Category of Surface analytical Technologies !!!!!!! 10 1. 3 Electron Spectroscopy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 12 1. 3. 1 Energy Distribution of Secondary Electrons !!!!!!!! 12 1. 3. 2 Mean Free Path and Surface Sensitivity !!!!!!!!! 13 1. 4 Surface Cleaning Processes !!!!!!!!!!!!! 16 1. 4 . 1 Clean Surface versus Native Surface !!!!!!!!!! 16 1. 4 . 2 Methods of Preparing Clean Surfaces !!!!!!!!!! 17 Chapter 2 Surfa ce Atomic Structure s !!!!!!!!!! 20 2 . 1 Two Dimensional Crystallography !!!!!!!!!! 2 1 2 . 1. 1 Periodicity and Symmetry of Surface Unit Cell !!!!!! 2 1 2 . 1. 2 Point Group and Plane Group !!!!!!!!!!!! 23 2 . 1. 3 Nomenclature of Surface Structures !!!!!!!!!! 25 2 . 1. 4 Reciprocal Lattice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 28 2 . 2 Atomic Structures of Ideal Surfaces !!!!!!!!! 30 2 . 2 . 1 Surface Structures of Metals !!!!!!!!!!!!! 30 2 . 2 . 2 Surfaces of Crystalline Compounds and Alloys !!!!!! 34 2 . 3 Surface Relaxation and Reconstruction !!!!!!!! 35 2 . 3. 1 Surface Relaxation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 35 2 . 3. 2 Surface reconstruction !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 39 2 . 4 Surface Defects !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 50 CONTENTS     1 2 . 4 . 1 Point Defects !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 51 2 . 4 . 2 Dislocations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 52


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