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r et necrepuS TSP MG-D 岗位职 培册训—副总手 gniniartTne mpoleveD 培训与发展 Copyright © 2002 版权声明 Wal-Mart China CO., LTD. 沃尔玛中国有限公司 All rights reserved. The reproduction or use of this work in any form or by any elect ronic, mecha nical, or other mea ns, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, and including republication as or in connect ion with instruct ion al or training seminars, and in any storage and retrieva l system, is forbidden to anyone except an authorized Wal-Mart associa te doing so for the sole purpose of training Wal-Mart associa tes on the materia l contained within. Copies of this document, in any form, cannot be distributed to non-Wa l-Mart associa tes without the written permission of the Wal-Mart Chinat TrainingTeam. 本资料的所有权利受到保护。除非出于培训目的而获特别授权,否则任何人,不论出 于任何目的,都不能将此文件的任何部分以任何形式通过任何方式,如电子或机械印 刷等,进行复制或传播,包括影印、抄录,或使用其他信息储存与回收系统。此文件 任何形式的复印件,未经沃尔玛百货有限公司培训部书面许可,不得泄露给沃尔玛外 部人员. WALHMARTSTORES,INC. Position Specific Training 岗位职能培训 To 致: Store Management 商场管理层员工 From 从: Training Team 培训组 Subject 题目: PST 岗位职能培训 日期: 二月 15, 2009 We are facing greater challenges then ever before as Wal-Mart China is expanding aggressively. There will be different and dista nt store locations all over China. TheaverageWal-Mart exper iences among associa tes is dropped apparently.Thereisan urgent needtodevelop,to loca lize and to standardize all the training materia ls. 随着中国沃尔玛的快速发展,我们面临着前所未有的挑战。公


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