2011名师点津人教版英语必修2-Unit 4[课件].ppt

2011名师点津人教版英语必修2-Unit 4[课件].ppt

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1.wild adj. 野生的,未驯化的;无居民的,荒凉的 be wild about sth./sb对……极热心或热爱 be wild with... 因……而发狂 ⑴ The crowd went wild _____ delight. ⑵ The children are wild _____ the new computer. 运用:用适当的词填空。 about with 2.hunt vt. vi.打猎;猎取;搜索 hunt for sb./sth.试图找到某人或某物 hunt after 探求;追求 ⑴ 我在寻找一本失去的书。 _________________ a lost book. ⑵ 许多人一生追求成名,但一无所获。 Many people ______________ in their lives but never find it. 运用:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 hunt after fame I am hunting for 3.distant adj.(时空)远隔的,遥远的;冷淡的 be distant with sb.对……冷淡 ⑴ There is ___ distance connection _____ the two theories. ⑵ She is always distant ______her mother. 运用:用适当的词填空或用所给词的适当形式填空。 with a between 4.mercy n. 仁慈;宽恕;宽容;恩惠;幸运 at the mercy of sb./sth.任由某人或某事物摆布或控制 have mercy on/upon对……有怜悯心 ⑴ 那只船在暴风雨中失去控制。 The ship was ______________________. ⑵ 可怜可怜我们吧。 Have mercy_______ ! 运用:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 at the mercy of the storm on us 拓展:catch sb’s attention 吸引某人的注意 draw sb’s attention to sth.吸引某人注意某事物 give one’s attention to 注意…… 1.pay attention to 注意 运用:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 ⑴ 报纸的大标题引起他的注意。 A newspaper headline _____________________. ⑵ 她要我注意报告中的一处错误。 She drew _____________ an error in the report. ⑶ 你要更注意身体。 You should ____________________ your health. pay more attention to caught his attention my attention to 拓展:die away减弱(以至觉察不到);淡化 die down逐渐降低;减弱 die of 死于(饥饿;病) die from死于(外界引起的) be dying for/to do sth.渴望 die hard很难改变;顽固 2.die out(指物种)死光;灭绝,火慢慢熄灭 ⑴ The noise of the car died _____ in the distance. ⑵ The old traditions are dying ______ . ⑶ The man died _____ a wound ⑷ I’m dying ____ something to eat. 运用:用适当的词填空。 for away out from 注意:该短语不可用于被动语态或进行时态。 3e into being形成;产生 拓展:come into effect实施 come into use投入使用 come into power上台执政 ⑴ When did the world_______________ ? ⑵ The new seat-belt regulations ________ _________ last week. ⑶ When did this word ______________ ? 运用:用 come的相关词组填空。 come into use come into being came into eff


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