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Unit?2??what?time?do?you?go?to?school???(?Section?A?1a-1c) 教学设计 第一课时 Knowledge aims? 1. New word:get dressed,brush teeth,take a shower; 2. Sentence Patterns:?--What time is it????? --What time do you usually get up??Ability aims?1. Learn to talk about time. 2. Learn to express simple routines. Emotional aims?To form a good time for work and rest. One”today”works better than two “tomorrow” Key points?1.How to talk about daily routines. 2.What time 引导的特殊疑问句和时间的表达 Difficulties?Learn to express and use time freely . Teaching methods? Listening for specific information and Role playing. Pair-work.?? Teaching tools?PPT,Tape-recorder,pictures,objects Teaching procedures?个人意见修订 Teaching steps: Step I: Review--Say the time 1. Show the clocks and ask them:? -What’s this in English???? -What time is it? 2. Show the way how to express the time. o’clock ???? To???????????????????????????? ? past 分钟数超过30分?????????????????? 分钟数不超过30分???????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????? half past (1). 点钟数+分钟数 ?? 6: 10 six ten ?? 7: 25 seven twenty-five (2). 分钟数+past +点钟数(分钟数不超过30分) ?? 7: 20??????? twenty past seven ?? 8: 30??????? half past eight? (3). 差分钟数 + to +下一点钟数 (分钟数超过30分) ??? 8:45??????? fifteen to nine ??? 9: 50?????? ten to ten Step II : New lesson I. Presentation:? 1.Show a clock, ask them to say the time 2.Show the picture and let them to say: What does he do? If they cannot say, let them say in Chinese. Show the English of the action: get up, 3.Ask him: What time do you usually get up? To the class: What time does he get up? To show the sentences and read. 4.Do the others one by one in the same way. 5.Teach ‘take a shower’ and lead them to guess the time that Rick takes a shower. ?Step 3? look and say? 1.Finish 1a,match words with pictures. 2.Read words and ask them to recite in 2 minutes.? 3.Ask them to talk about the shower schedule for Rick’s family. 4.Choose some pairs to say.? Step 4? Look, listen and match 1. Listen and match the time. 2.Show the p


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