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DOI牶牨牥牣牨牫牫牭牳牤j牣issn牣牨牥牥牳牠牳牨牫x牣牪牥牥牭牣牥牬牣牥牪牱 15 4 V ol. 15No. 4 2005 12 JO URNA L OF EM CC Dec. 2005 :1008-813(2005)04-082-04     :X703     :A 粒状滤料过滤技术发展与应用的探讨 李国会, 王继斌, 李晓华 (中国环境管理干部学院, 河北秦皇岛066004)  :粒状滤料过滤技术广泛用于废水的深度 理。过滤技术使用后, 快滤池技术发展迅 速。随着多种滤料的开发, 深层过滤技术得到发展,直接过滤工艺应运而生。反冲洗是快滤池 的一项关键技术, 气水联合反冲洗对滤料过滤能力的再生效果优于单水反冲洗。滤料过滤存 在跑料、料层板结等问题,在工程实践中逐步得到改进。 :粒状滤料;深层过滤;直接过滤;反冲洗 Discussion on Development and Application of Grainy Filtering Media Filtration LI G o-h i,WANG J-I bin, LI Xiao-h a (E nvironment a l Manag emen t Col leg e of Ch ina ,qinhuang dao,Ch ina,066004) Abstract:The filtration of grainy filtering media w idely applies to the advanced treatment technology for w astew ater. The filtration of fast - filter rapidly develops after sing the technology of filtration. The technology of deep - bed filtering media filtration is apace de- velop while people empolder m ltifario s filtering media. The direct filtration technology e- merges as the times req ire. T he backw ashing is the key technology of fast - filter. The effect of gas - w ater backw ashing is s perior to single - w ater backw ashing on renewing fi-l tration capability of filter bed. T he technology of filtering media filtration comes forth some problem of losing filtering media with backw ashing c rrent, filtration bed ind ration, etc. Those problems are grad ally improved in practice. Key words:grainy filtering media;deep-bed filtration;direct filtration;backw ashing   , 。, , 0. 1~0. 3m /h, , [1] 。 , 。, ,


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