2018-2019学年 英语新导学人教浙江专用版必修三讲义:Unit 4 Period Three Word版含答案.docxVIP

2018-2019学年 英语新导学人教浙江专用版必修三讲义:Unit 4 Period Three Word版含答案.docx

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Period Three Learning about Language Using Language Ⅰ.Read the passage and judge whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). 1.The force of gravity changed three times and the last change was the most powerful.(F) 2.We were too far from the earth to feel its pull.(T) 3.On the moon,our weight would be less than on the earth because we were too far from it.(F) 4.Leaving the moon’s gravity was as painful as leaving the earth’s.(F) 5.Space travel was very exhausting,so the writer didn’t like it at all.(F) Ⅱ.Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers. 1.The passage is mainly about . A.an introduction of the moon B.the gravity that I felt on my way to the moon C.my visit to the moon D.my friend Li Yanping,an astronomer 答案 C 2.When we were going up,we felt . A.we were pressed back into our seats B.we were heavier than we were on the earth C.as if we were flying D.the rocket was shaking strongly 答案 A 3.When or where did the author feel strongest of the gravity of the earth? A.On the moon. B.On the half way to the moon. C.At the very beginning. D.On their leaving from the moon. 答案 C 4.Why was the spaceship not falling back to the earth? A.Because it was too far from the earth to feel its pull. B.Because it was too big. C.Because it was far from the moon. D.Not mentioned in the text. 答案 A 5.What causes the author to feel that he becomes weightless on the moon? A.Spaceship. B.Gravity. C.His friend. D.Good feelings of the author. 答案 B 一、词汇过关 基础词汇 1.biology n.生物学 2.gravity n.万有引力;重力 3.satellite n.卫星;人造卫星 4.climate n.气候 5.crash vi. vt.碰撞;坠落 6.spaceship n.宇宙飞船 7.pull n. vt.拉(力);拖;牵引力 8.float vi. vt.(使)浮动;(使)漂浮;n.漂浮物 拓展词汇 1.gentle adj.温和的;文雅的→gently adv.温和地 2.physicist n.物理学家→physics n.物理学→physical adj.物理的;物理学的;体力的 3.lessen vi. vt.减少;减轻→less adj.较少的 4.exhaust vt.用尽;耗尽;使精疲力尽→exhausted adj.精疲力尽的 联想归纳 1.构词法 [规则]less (adj.较少的)eq \o(――→,\s\up7(+en))lessen (v.减少) [联想](1)brighten使明亮 (2)broaden拓宽 (3)deepen加深 (4)loosen变松 2.话题词汇——与“……学家”有关的词汇 (1)


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