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英语四六级 句子写作和段落写作; 句子写作;掉尾句(The Periodic Sentence) 中心意思出现在句尾的句子,在修辞上叫做掉尾句。这类句子把修饰语放在句首,修饰语可以是词组,状语从句,也可以是其他结构。 例如: 1) In many ways, the history of English words is the history of our civilization. 2) In spite of his failure, he remains cheerful. 3) One of my favorite poets is Emily Dickinson. ;二、判断好句子的标准 英文句子通常以主谓结构为主,以谓语动词为中心,来传达主要信息。对于次要信息,则借助各种动词不定式、分词、介词、从句等表达。判断一个句子好坏要看他的主干与旁枝在思想上是否统一,意思是否连贯,语言是否简介精炼,重点是否突出。 ;思想统一(Unity) 一个好的句子应该表达一个明确的中心思想,句子各部分都为这个中心服务,从而组成一个有机整体。 A) The explorer who has just returned from the Antarctic is busy writing reports on his adventure on that ice-covered continent, where he did not see animals except penguin. B) The explorer who has just got a divorce is busy writing reports on his adventure on that ice-covered continent, where he did not see animals except penguin.;2. 通顺连贯(Coherence) 连贯性要求句子各个成分之间关系明确、衔接得当,从而使句子通顺自然。 (1)避免不必要的转换句子主语或语态。 A) The swimmers limbered up and then their daily training began. B) The swimmers limbered up and began their daily training. ;(2)善于使用平行结构 平行结构是由and, both…and, as well as, rather than, but, while, or, either…or, not only…but also 等连接单词、词组、从句从而形成的一种并列结构。 e.g. Over the years I have been considering how those disputes could be solved by peaceful means, rather than by war. ;3. 简介精炼 (conciseness) 英、汉写作都尊崇“言以简洁为贵”。在不影响表意的情况下,用最少的语言文字表达最多的内容。 (1)将几个松散的简单句合成一个句子。 A) They need more help in English. This is quite obvious. It is quite obvious that they need more help in English. ;B) What makes man different from all the other animals? Man can learn and use language. But other animals can’t. Man differs from all the other animals in his ability to learn and use language. (2) 将从句缩减为短语,短语缩减为单词。 To be as frankly as possible, the play is a failure. Frankly, the play is a failure.;Educators report that the generation that has grown up with television can barely write an English sentence, even the college level. Educators report that


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