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致谢! * * * 任何药物的局限性 * 以基质增生为主 * * * 体积和症状 部位和症状 * 前列腺基质、膀胱颈平滑肌广泛存在AR * * 前列腺炎是一种男人在任何年龄都可能患上的疾病。但也是一种治疗起来相对容易的疾病。 抗生素常常用来治疗前列腺炎。 * 前列腺癌是美国男性最常患的癌症之一。 我国前列腺癌的发病率也明显升高。每年有18万新诊断前列腺癌病例,4万人死于前列腺癌。 研究发现:有1/3的50岁男子有镜下前列腺癌证据,而到75岁,有1/2到3/4的男子存在前列腺癌。 * * 长达4年达PLESS研究证实,BPH是一种进展性疾病。在四年中安慰剂组前列腺体积增大了14%,而保列治?能够缩小前列腺体积,四年中前列腺体积减少了18%,二者相差32%。也就是说,保列治?阻断了前列腺增生的进程。 * * * Slide I.1 Several terms are useful in describing features of clinical benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and related disorders. These include lower-urinary-tract symptoms (LUTS), which may be independent of prostatic enlargement; benign prostatic enlargement (BPE), which indicates objectively demonstrable enlargement of the gland or an enlarged transition zone; bladder-outlet obstruction (BOO), benign prostatic hyperplasia (microscopic/histologic evidence of stromal and epithelial cell hyperplasia of the prostate; and benign prostatic obstruction (BPO), which indicates BOO caused by BPE. Finally, the term “clinical BPH” indicates BPE in the presence of bothersome LUTS and BOO.1-3 References 1. Fifth International Consultation 2001 on BPH. Recommendations of the International Scientific Committee: Evaluation and treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in older men. In: Chatelain C, Denis L, Foo KT et al, eds. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Plymouth, United Kingdom: Health Publication, 2001:519-535. 2. Nordling J, Artibani W, Hald T et al. Pathophysiology of the urinary bladder in obstruction and ageing. In: Chatelain C, Denis L, Foo KT et al, eds. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Plymouth, United Kingdom: Health Publication, 2001:107-166. 3. Lee C, Cockett A, Cussenot O et al. Regulation of prostate growth. In: Chatelain C, Denis L, Foo KT et al, eds. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Plymouth, United Kingdom: Health Publication, 2001:79-106. * 有效容量 不稳定膀胱 * Slide I.2 BPH describes a condition comprising objectively demonstrable enlargement of the prostate or an enlarged transition zone, bothersome


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