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13-yr-old female C/O: Vomiting (呕吐) HPC: Sudden onset of vomiting 6 hours ago, vomit food only. Associated features: exhausted; pallor complexion; limbs cold and sweating.(疲倦乏力,面色苍白,肢冷汗多) O/E: CVS: BP: 105/70mmhg, HR:123/min, no murmurs; GIT: soft, no mess, no palpable liver and spleen; (腹软,肝脾不大) RS, CNS: normal. Investigation: blood sodium and potassium slightly fall (低钠,低钾血症) Diagnosis: Gastritis, moderate dehydration. (急性胃炎,中度脱水) Treatment: Rehydration.(补液治疗) Result: deteriorated and died. 病 毒 性 心 肌 炎 (viral myocarditis, VMC) Pediatric Academic Group Sally 目的与要求(objective and requirement): 1、掌握中医辨证论治与西医治疗原则。 Master: selection of treatment base on differential of syndromes in traditional Chinese medicine and therapeutic principle of Western medicine. 2、熟悉病因病理。 Familiar: diagnosis, pathogenic and pathology. 3、了解概念,研究进展。 Understand: definition and research progress. 概 述(summarization) 1. 定义:病毒侵犯心脏所致的,以心肌的局限性或弥漫性炎性病变为主要表现的疾病。 Definition: inflammation of myocardium cause by viral infection. (pericardium or endocardium) 2.典型症状:神疲乏力,面色苍白,心悸气短,肢冷多汗。 Typical symptom: exhausted, pallor complexion, palpitations, shortness of breath, limbs cold and excessive sweating. 3.中医属温病、怔忡、胸痹、虚劳等范畴。 Seasonal febrile disease, severe palpitation, chest bi-syndrome and consumptive disease. 概 述(summarization) 4.中医文献论述(referent): (1)《小儿药证直决·脉证治法》:“心主惊……,虚则卧而悸动不安。” (2)《张氏医通·神志门》:“夫悸之症状不齐,总不外乎心伤而火动,火郁而生涎也。若夫虚实之分,气血之辨,痰与饮,寒与热,外感六淫,内伤七情,在临证辨之。” (3)《伤寒论·辨太阳病脉证并治》:“伤寒脉结代,心动悸,炙甘草汤主之。” 中医病因病机(aetiology and pathogenesis) 风热侵 心气阴受损 正气 袭肺卫 邪毒 心血瘀滞 内舍 痰瘀互结 不足 湿热困 于心 心阳虚衰 阻脾胃 水湿内停 病因是风热、湿热(wind-heat , dampness-heat)之入侵;病机是邪毒内损于心,心脉痹阻(stagnation of heart meridian )。瘀血,痰浊(stagnation of blood, phlegm)是病理产物。 病因和发病机制(pathogenic and pathogenesis) 一、病因(pathogenic):肠道和呼


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