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第28卷第10期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Vol28, No. 10 2 00 7 年 10 月 Journal of Northeastern U ni ersity( Natural Science) Oct. 2 0 0 7 周晓光, 刘振宇, 吴 迪, 王国栋 ( , 110004) : Gleeble-2000 / : Nb , Nb , ; Nb , Nb ; , ( Nb Nb ) , : ; ; Nb ; ; : T G 33 : A : 1005-3026( 2007) 10- 1374-04 On the Static Softening Behavior of Sheet Billet During Continuous Casting- Rolling Process ZH O U X iao-guang , LI U Zhen-y u , W U Di, WA N G Guo-dong ( T he State Key Laboratory of Rolling and Automation, Northeastern Uni ersity, Shenyang 110004, China. Correspondent: ZHOU Xiao-guang, E-mail: x iaoguangzhou @ 126. com) Abstract: The static softening beha ior of the austenite in the sheet billet during continuous casting-rolling w as in estigated on the Gleeble-2000 thermomechanical simulator in Bensteel. The results re ealed some facts as follow s by comparison. The Nb-bearing steel inhibits the static recrystallization of austenite more ob iously than the steel contains no Nb, with rele ant cur es showing flat portion. And in the steel, the Nb precipitate inhibits the static recrystallization greater than the solid Nb solution. M oreo er, the acti ation of static recrystallization at inter als between tw o pass reductions for low-carbon steel during continuous casting-rolling is more ob iously than that during con entional rolling, i. e. , the static softening beha ior is less possible. Key words: thin slab casting and rolling; static recrystallization; Nb-bearing steel; solid solution; precipitate ( Nb ) , , Nb [ 1- 2] , ,


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