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马克思主义的指导与社会科学研究中的学术自觉* [摘 要]:任何科学研究都依存于并最终服务于人类的物质生产实践和社会交 往。现实需要、实践条件与阶级局限决定了理论本身所能达到的真理边界。我 们无法穷尽真理,历史不可能在我们这个时代终结,但是我们有可能掌握探索 未知世界和开拓真理新边界的正确方法。在社会科学研究方面,马克思主义的 伟大之处在于它开启了一条不断从相对真理走向绝对真理的正确道路。只有以 马克思主义为指导,服务于所处的特定时代和特定社会现实,社会科学研究才 能开辟不断从相对真理走向绝对真理的道路,才能不断开拓理论新境界、打开实 践新局面。坚持理论与实践相结合,深入切中当代中国的现实并科学回答时代 提出的新课题,发挥社会科学研究人员的社会责任感和历史使命感,在继承中 超越,这是当代中国社会科学研究工作者和理论创新必须遵循的基本原则和应 有的学术自觉。 [关键词]:马克思主义社会科学研究学术自觉 柳泽民(1971-),男,安徽岳西人,汉族,安徽医科大学马克思主义学院教授, 硕士生导师,主要从事马克思主义经济学与当代中国现实问题研究。 邮箱: HYPERLINK mailto:Iiuzemin6@126.com Iiuzemin6@126.com 电话通信地址:安徽省合肥市梅山路81号安徽医科大学马克思主义学院 230032 The Guidance of Marxism and the Academic Consciousness in Social Science Research LIU Zemin Humanities Institute, Anhui Medical University Abstract: All scientific researches depend on and will ultimately serve peoples material practices and social interaction. The need of reality, the practice condition and the limitation of class decide the truth boundary that theory itself can reach. We cannot penetrate the truth, because the history could not end in our times, but we could grasp the correct methods of exploring unknown world and explore new boundaries of truth. In the aspect of social science research, greatness of Marxism is that it opens up a correct road continuously from the relative truth to absolute truth. Only guided by the theory of Marxism and adapting the times and conditions can social science researches open the road stepping from relative truth to absolute truth, and continuously open up the new realm 本文系安徽省哲学社会科学规划项目“马克思的社会凝聚力思想及其当代意义研究”((AHSKY2014D7D) 的阶段性研究成果。 of theory .Therefore,in China today, making social science research should follow the following basic principles: adhere to the combination of theory and practice; center on the realities of contemporary China; stimulate the social responsibility and historic mission of social science researchers and encourage them to go beyond while inheriting. This is the basic principle and proper academic consciousness, that soc



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