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英文名著3000 本
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
by Charles Dickens
英文名著3000 本
AN ancient English Cathedral Tower? How can the
ancient English Cathedral tower be here! The well-
known massive gray square tower of its old Cathedral?
How can that be here! There is no spike of rusty iron
in the air, between the eye and it, from any point of the
real prospect. What is the spike that intervenes, and who
has set it up? Maybe it is set up by the Sultans orders
for the ipaling of a horde of Turkish robbers, one by
one. It is so, for cymbals clash, and the Sultan goes by
to his palace in long procession. Ten thousand
scimitars flash in the sunlight, and thrice ten thousand
dancing-girls strew flowers. Then, follow white
elephants caparisoned in countless gorgeous colours, and
infinite in number and attendants. Still the Cathedral
Tower rises in the background, where it cannot be, and
英文名著3000 本
still no writhing figure is on the grim spike. Stay! Is
the spike so low a thing as the rusty spike on the top of a
post of an old bedstead that has tumbled all awry?
Some vague period of drowsy laughter must be devoted
to the consideration of this possibility.
Shaking from head to foot, the man whose scattered
consciousness has thus fantastically pieced itself
together, at length rises, supports his trembling frame
upon his arms, and