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英文名著3000 本 MEMOIRS OF JACQUES CASANOVA de SEINGALT 1725- 1798 VENETIAN YEARS, Volume 1c--MILITARY CAREER THE RARE UNABRIDGED LONDON EDITION OF 1894 TRANSLATED BY ARTHUR MACHEN TO WHICH HAS BEEN ADDED THE CHAPTERS DISCOVERED BY ARTHUR SYMONS. 1 英文名著3000 本 MILITARY CAREER 2 英文名著3000 本 CHAPTER XIII I Renounce the Clerical Profession, and Enter the Military Service-Therese Leaves for Naples, and I Go to Venice--I Am Appointed Ensign in the Army of My Native Country--I Embark for Corfu, and Land at Orsera to Take a Walk I had been careful, on my arrival in Bologna, to take up my quarters at a small inn, so as not to attract any notice, and as soon as I had dispatched my letters to Therese and the French officer, I thought of purchasing some linen, as it was at least doubtful whether I should ever get my trunk. I deemed it expedient to order some clothes likewise. I was thus ruminating, when it suddenly struck me that I was not likely now to succeed in the Church, but feeling great uncertainty as to the profession I ought to adopt, I 3 英文名著3000 本 took a fancy to transform myself into an officer, as it was evident that I had not to account to anyone for my actions. It was a very natural fancy at my age, for I had just passed through two armies in which I had seen no respect paid to any garb but to the military uniform, and I did not see why I should not cause myself to be respected likewise. Besides,I was thinking of returnin


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