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www.ChineseA 英文名著3000 本 中文在线出品 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court by Mark Twain 1 www.ChineseA 英文名著3000 本 中文在线出品 Preface 5 Chapter 1 - Camelot 21 Chapter 2 - King Arthurs Court 26 Chapter 3 - Knights of the Table Round 40 Chapter 4 - Sir Dinadan the Humorist 53 Chapter 5 - An Inspiration 60 Chapter 6 - The Eclipse73 Chapter 7 - Merlins Tower 88 Chapter 8 - The Boss102 Chapter 9 - The Tournament 115 Chapter 10 - Beginnings of Civilization 128 Chapter 11 - The Yankee in Search of Adventures 138 Chapter 12 - Slow Torture 156 Chapter 13 - Freemen166 Chapter 14 - Defend Thee, Lord 184 Chapter 15 - Sandys Tale 193 Chapter 16 - Morgan Le Fay213 2 www.ChineseA 英文名著3000 本 中文在线出品 Chapter 17 - A Royal Banquet 227 Chapter 18 - In The Queens Dungeons 248 Chapter 19 - Knight-Errantry as a Trade 271 Chapter 20 - The Ogres Castle 279 Chapter 21 - The Pilgrims 295 Chapter 22 - The Holy Fountain 324 Chapter 23 - Restoration of the Fountain 348 Chapter 24 - A Rival Magician 367 Chapter 25 - A Competitive Examination 393 Chapter 26 - The First Newspaper 422 Chapter 27 - The Yankee and the King Travel Incognito 445 Chapter 28 - Drilling the King 464 Chapter 29 - The Smallpox Hut 474 Chapter 30 - The Tragedy of the Manor-House 489 Chapter 31 - Marco 513 Chapter 32 - Dowleys Humiliation 529 Chapter 33 - Sixth Century Political Economy 544 3 www.ChineseA 英文名著3000 本 中文在线出品 Chapter 34 - The Yankee and the King Sold as Slaves .572 Chapter 35 - A Pitiful Incident 598 Chapter 36 - An Encounter in the Dark 614 Chapter 37 - An Awful Predicament 623 Chapter 38 - Sir Launcelot and Knights to the Rescue ..641 Chapter 39


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