新世纪大学英语视听说4 第三版 UNIT 1.ppt

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LB_CL_WYW_D D While You Watch Lesson B The man-made world Lesson A The natural world City Living I love skyscrapers! Activity 2: Class work. Now watch the second episode of the video again and interpret what Roberto and Takeshi said into Chinese. ■ II subtitle LB_CL_WYW_D D While You Watch Lesson B The man-made world Lesson A The natural world City Living I love skyscrapers! Activity 3: Pair work. Now work with a partner and act out the episode. ■ II subtitle LB_CL_WYW_D D While You Watch Lesson B The man-made world Lesson A The natural world City Living I love skyscrapers! ■ II subtitle Activity 3: Pair work. Now work with a partner and act out the episode. LB_CL_WYW_D2 E What did they say? Now watch the third episode of the video and answer the question. Why did Takeshi feel embarrassed and how did he react? Takeshi initially thought a famous hotel would be built on the site, but he later discovered it would be a parking garage. He was embarrassed, but he laughed at his error and said that some rich and famous people might eventually park there. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ While You Watch Lesson B The man-made world Lesson A The natural world City Living I love skyscrapers! LB_CL_WYW_E1 After You Watch 2. Takeshi: I love the skyscrapers! They are the most incredible feats of engineering! Roberto: True. And some of the first ones were built here in New York City. Takeshi: Man, look at that! In New York there’s always something being built. 3. Roberto: What do you think it’s going to look like? Takeshi: I don’t know, but you know what? I’m going to remember what it looked like. Useful expressions 4. Takeshi: And I’ll be the only one with pictures of it before it was


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