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Content 目录 1. General 通则2 1.1 Scope 范围2 1.2 Reference 参考2 1.3 Work Induction 工作讲解2 2. Lifting and Storage 吊装和存储2 2.1 Lifting 吊装2 2.2 Receiving Inspection 材料验收4 2.3 Storage 存储4 3. Installation Procedure 安装程序5 3.1 Pipe Installation Work Flow 管道安装工作流程5 4. Pipe Laying 铺管10 4.1 HDPE Pipe Joint Welding 管道连接11 4.2 EQUIPMENT 设备13 5. Welding Procedure 焊接程序14 5.1 Welding Operation 焊接操作14 5.2 Welding Preparation 焊接准备16 5.3 Setting of HDPE Piping Component for Welding 放置 HDPE管.16 5.4 Shaving of Surface 铣削管子表面17 5.5 Heating of Surface 表面加热20 5.6 Fusion of Surfaces 表面热熔22 5.7 Cooling of Joint 接缝冷却22 5.8 Inspection of Weld Seam 焊缝检查23 6. Flange Joints Valve Installation 法兰接头和阀门安装23 7. Pressure Test 压力试验24 7.1 Preparation 准备24 7.2 Pressure Test 压力试验26 8. Leak Repair 泄漏修补28 9. Backfilling 回填28 Page 1 of 32 10. Equipment and Manpower Mobilization Construction Schedule.29 10.1 Manpower Mobilization Schedule 人力动员计划29 10.2 Equipment Mobilization Schedule 机具动员计划30 10.3 Construction Schedule 施工计划31 11. Risk Assessment 危险性分析31 Page 2 of 32 Method Statement for HDPE Piping Installation HDPE 管道安装施工方案 1. General 通则 1.1 Scope 范围 This method statement covers Storage, Handling, Installation and Pressure Testing of Underground HDPE Pipes (Town Water Natural Gas) in×××××× × Project. 本说明覆盖了×××项目的地下HDPE管道(城市用水及天然气管道)的储存,运输, 安装及压力试验。 1.2 Reference 参考 Project Specifications 项目规范 ×××××××××××××××××× Chinese Codes and Standards 国标及规范 GB 50235 –97 Code for Construction and Acceptance of Industrial Metallic Piping 工业金属管道施工及验收规范 H


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