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近年辽宁高考语文现代文阅读试题研究 摘  要 现代文阅读试题是高考语文测试的重要组成部分,随着社会发展对学生阅读能力要 求的提高,现代文阅读在高考语文试卷中的比重加大,分值提高,位置提前,对考生的 影响很大。而近年高考试卷一直处于改革之中,现代文阅读试题的命制也处于探索阶段, 变化较多。本文拟以辽宁省 2004 年独立命题以来至 2011 年的高考语文现代文阅读试题 作为研究对象,结合辽宁的人文环境和地域特点,分析辽宁现代文阅读试题的特点,勾 勒出其变化和发展的轨迹,从而全面地展现辽宁高考语文现代文阅读试题的全貌。 本文主要从四个方面来研究辽宁高考语文现代文阅读试题:首先,回顾了辽宁高考 语文现代文阅读试题自 2004 年以来的发展及命题依据的细化完善。其次,从试题文本 入手,分析现代文阅读测试材料的篇幅、体裁、主题及价值取向。再次,重点从文本试 题的题量、题型、题序、测量目标及能力要求等方面对试题进行研究。最后找出现代文 阅读试题的美中不足之处并提出笔者对辽宁现代文阅读试题的期望。 关键词:辽宁高考;语文试卷;现代文阅读;语文教学 I Abstract The modern article reading is an important part of Chinese college entrance examination, along with the social development , the students reading ability requirements increase, the modern article reading in Chinese college entrance examination is increased in the proportion, value and ahead of the position, has great influence to students. In recent years college entrance examination has been in the midst of reform, the modern article reading examination also is at the exploration stage, has lots of changes. This article is intended to Liaoning province in 2004 to 2011 college entrance examination proposition since independence to modern Chinese reading test as the research object, combined with the Liaoning human environment and geographical characteristics, analyzed the Liaoning modern article reading examination questions characteristic, draw the outline of change and the path of development, and overall presentation of Liaoning College entrance examination questions about modern article reading. This paper mainly from four aspects to study Liaoning college entrance examination Chinese modern article reading examination questions: first, review of the Liaoning college entrance examination Chinese modern article reading examination questions since 2004 the development of refine and proposition. Secondly, from the test text, analysis of modern article reading test material length, genre, theme and value orientation. Once again, the focus from text questions asked, questions, prefaces, me


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