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The Uxorilocal Msrriage of the Zhuang’s ——Taking Zhong Jian Village in Yi Zhou City of Guang Xi for an Exampple A Thesis Submitted to Chongqing University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Art and Literature By Li Su Juan Supervised by Prof. Jia Wen He Major: Art and Literature College of Literature and Journalism of Chongqing University, Chongqing, China May 2011 重庆大学硕士学位论文  摘  要  中文摘要 赘婚是指男子结婚后到女方家上门落户的一种婚姻形式,至今仍存在广西宜 州市壮族村落。本文对壮族婚姻和壮族赘婚的文献资料进行梳理,结合田野调查 资料,运用文艺学、民俗学、历史学、社会学等学科相关理论,对刘三姐乡中枧 屯赘婚及其社会功能进行全面系统的调查研究,包括赘婚自身的特点、上门姑爷 的权利与义务、赘婚形成的原因及发展变化,以及壮族赘婚在择偶观念、择偶途 径、通婚范围、结婚仪式等方面的特点;对壮族赘婚社会功能的研究目的包括赘 婚是否有助于解决农村老人养老问题、改变生育观、保障农村妇女家庭地位、构 建平安和谐的社区。 壮族的入赘婚,既具有农村赘婚的一般特征,也有本民族的特点。婚后在女 家居住,所生子女可以随母姓也可随父姓,担当起赡养女方老人的责任;同时还 可以享有女方家庭的资源:田地、生产资料、家族财产等。这种婚姻模式有利于 解决农村老人养老问题、改变生育观、保障农村妇女家庭地位、构建平安和谐的 社区。 中枧屯赘婚形成的原因:一是对赘婚限制少,对赘婿没有偏见与歧视;二是 自然条件优越,交通便利,加上近年来旅游业蓬勃发展,就能吸引更贫困地区的 男子入赘。但随着经济的发展和观念的变化,中枧屯的赘婚婚姻模式正面临着出 入不平衡、日益减少的挑战。 关键词:壮族;壮族婚俗;赘婚 I 重庆大学硕士学位论文  英文摘要 ABSTRACT The uxorilocal marriage is one kind of marriage forms, that the husband leaves his natal family, moves to his wife’s family, and takes the main body relations by the wife's family .This marriage still exists in the Guangxi Zhuang national minority Autonomous Region Yi Zhou’s area. This article carries on about the uxorilocal marriage and the Zhuang’s marriage's literature, unifies the field investigation material in Zhong Jian village of Liu Sanjie township Yi Zhou city, uses the art and literature, folklore, history and the sociological correlation theories to analysis Zhuang’s uxorilocal marriage. What is to analysis: the sense of marriage, the spouse Choosing channels, the radius of marriage, the wedding ceremony, What is to analysis more : wether the uxorilocal marriage is good for solving the problem of family pension, changing the sense of fertility, protecting the family status of countryside women and making up a sound and harmonious commumity or not. Under the uxorilocal marri


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