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移动通信系统实训报告 任课教师: 硬件工程师: 软件工程师: 测试及文档工程师: 2013年10月15日 北京工业大学工程硕士学位论文 摘 要 PAGE II PAGE I 摘 要 PAGE I 摘 要 GSM系统原是泛欧数字移动通信的简称,是欧洲有点主管部门会以为开发数字蜂窝移动通信而在1982年成立的机构。1978年,欧洲15个国家的电信业务经营者在哥本哈根一个谅解备忘录,简称MOU。他是关于实现泛欧900MHz数字蜂窝移动通信标准的备忘录。随着移动通信设备的研制与开发及数字蜂窝移动通信网建立,GSM就逐步成为了欧洲数字移动通信系统的代名词,欧洲的专家们将GSM重新命名为“Global System For Mobile Communication”,从而使其变成了“全球移动通信系统”的简称。GSM全名为:Global System for Mobile Communications,中文为全球移动通讯系统,是一个移动电话网络标准。GSM系统包括 GSM 900(900MHz)、GSM1800(1800MHz) 、GSM1900(1900MHz)3个频段 最初国家分配给模拟移动通信网的频段为[885-905,930-950],共20M。 本次设计主要涉及GMS系统的拨打、接听电话,收、发短信,来电显示,检测系统。详细介绍GMS在AT命令中的实现过程,对程序的设计与实现进行了仔细的分析。 关键词: 移动通信;GSM系统;AT命令; Abstract The GSM system is the pan European digital mobile communications, is Europea bit departments will think the development of digital cellular mobile communication and in 1982 the establishment of the mechanism. In 1978, 15 European countries, telecom operators in Copenhagen a memorandum of understanding, referred to as MOU. He is on the realization of the pan European900MHz digital cellular mobile communication standard memorandum. Along with the research and development and digital cellular mobile communication networkequipment building, GSM has become a synonym for the European digital mobile communication system, the experts European renamingGSM to Global SystemFor Mobile Communication, which has become a global system for mobile communication referred to as. GSM full name: Global System for MobileCommunications, Chinese is the global system for mobile communications, is a mobile phone network standard. The GSM system consists of GSM 900(900MHz), GSM1800 (1800MHz), GSM1900 (1900MHz) 3 bands assigned to theinitial state analog mobile communication network band for the [885-905930-950], 20M. Answer the phone call, this design mainly related to GMS system, receive and send text messages, caller ID, detection system. The realization process in the AT command of the details of GMS, the program design and im


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