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9 4 () V .l 9 N . 4 2009 12 JOURNAL OF NAN JING NORMAL UN IVERSITY ( ENG INEERING AND TECHNOLOGY EDIT ION ) Dec, 2009 南京电网分区结构的形成及发展规划研究 汪惟源 (, 210008) [ ] , , . , 3. , . [ ] , , , [ ] F 40716 1 [ ] A [ ] 1672-1292( 2009) 04-002 1-04 Research on the Formation and Planning of Nanjing Power Grid Partitioning W ang W e iy uan ( Nanjing E lectric P w er Supply C m pany, Nanjing 210008, Ch in a) Abstract: In the planning f urban p w er grid, the grid partiti n ing pr blem sh u ld be dealt w ith scientifically t ensure the c rdinati nal devel pm ent f all levels f the electrical netw rk. In th is paper, the f rm ati n f Nanjing p wer grid partiti ning is traced and the devel pm ent f the grid partiti n ing is d ivided int three stages. M eanwh ile, this paper d is- cusses the pp rtunity and princip le f grid partiti n ing in rder t be available f r reference in the p lann ing f N anjing p w er grid. K ey words: urban p w er grid, grid partiti n ing, electr m agnetic c upled netw rks, sh rt circuit current , , . , , [ 1-3] . , , , [ 4, 5 ] . , 2000 1 220 k , , Table 1 Short-circuit currents of 220 k bus at500 k substation ofDongshanqiao ( 1). 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 , /kA 2714 3217 3513 3819 4219 4212 46143 . 500/220 kV , , . 1 南京电网现状 2008 532 kW. 47316 kW, 44411 kW,


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