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* 篮球:争球、切入投篮跳起或落地往往同时伴有身体旋转。 足球:急跑转向或急转急停;踢漏脚过伸挤压半月板。 体操:筋斗及各种下法落地时,中心不稳造成膝关节急剧闪动,屈伸扭转。 举重:起立时为增大力量双膝并拢呈外翻姿势。 冰雪项目:屈膝摔倒。 * * Only Grade III of IV signals correlate with a meniscal tear. Someone has found MRI to be less sensitive in diagnosing peripheral meniscus tears and not useful in evaluating the meniscus after repair because of the persistence of Grade III signals after proven meniscal healing. * Our philosophy in treating a meniscus lesion is to eliminate the symptoms stemming from the torn meniscus so that the athlete can return to sport. We also, however, look for the best long-term result with the lowest possible risk for degenerative arthritis. * * Radial tears, however, did not result in a restoration of normal mechanical function, and this was attributed to the development to a fibroblastic scar that caused spread of the repair site. Results of partial meniscectomy for degenerative tears are not as good as those for traumatic tears (50- 60% vs. 80-95%, respectively). Athletes are able to return to unsupported ambulation in 1 to 3 days, return to strenuous training in 7 to 14 days, and return to competition in 3 to 4 weeks. Exceptionallly fit and well-motivated patients have been able to return to competition in 2 weeks or less. * * * * 半月板MRI表现 Crues补充关于半月板损伤的MRI形态学特征: 在矢状面上,内侧半月板后角大于前角,外侧半月板的前后角接近一致 (图片6) 桶柄状撕裂在矢状面上不易显示,但在冠状面上显示最佳,表现为半月板的游离缘变钝,中央的“碎片”进入髁间窝 (图片7) 内侧半月板后角大于前角,外侧半月板前后角大致相当 冠状位见外侧半月板移向髁间窝 Treatment Acute stage急性期 治疗创伤性滑膜炎 抽出积血,棉花腿加压包扎2-3周,制动,减少炎症反应 理疗 边缘分离的可愈合 关节镜手术 保守治疗 部分切除(成形) 全部切除 缝合 移植 Treatment 保守治疗 无症状的稳定性半月板损伤: 10mm的稳定半月板撕裂 50%垂直厚度的不完全撕裂 深度3mm的横形撕裂 不伴交叉韧带等其它关节内结构损伤 无症状的退变撕裂 半月板成形 指征:不宜进行半月板缝合或保守治疗的患者 原则: 尽可能多的保留正常半月板组织 尽可能少的损伤其它正常组织 关节退变与半月板切除量成正比 半月板成形术后 半月板功能缺失导致进行性退化性关节病 半月板切除 胫股接触面积 75% 最大负荷 235% 基本不做 半月板切除后26年: 内侧间室骨性关节炎 半月板修补 理想的修补指征(冯华) 半月板红区或红白区 半月板组织质量好,无退变 时间越近越好 运动损伤 年轻患者(45岁) 合并ACL损伤 裂口1cm 纵型撕裂 三种方法: 外-内 内-外 3. 全内 半月板修补技术 1. 外-内: 优点: 切口小 无需专用器械 适用: 半月板前角撕裂 2_Braide



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