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A sad love story Festivals for lovers? Qiqiaojie Valentine’s Day The Lover’s Festivals Do you know the beautiful love story about Qiqiao Festival? The weaving girl The herd boy the seventh day of the seventh lunar month fell in love got married The Goddess got angry forced to leave each other Cross the Milky Way to meet only once a year Valentine’s Day February 14th 欧美传统民间节日。又译圣瓦伦丁节。定于每年 2月14日。情侣们在这一天互相交换表达爱意的贺 卡和礼物。 它源于3世纪迫害基督教徒的罗马帝国, 一位名叫瓦伦丁的教士因救助基督徒而被捕,在狱 中,他与典狱长的女儿相爱 ?。269年2月14日,他 被处死?。此后教会便将2月14日定为情人节作为纪 念。 现在通常在情人节中,男士将一枝半开的红玫 瑰作为情人节送给女孩的最佳礼物,而姑娘则以一 盒心形巧克力作为回赠的礼物。 * when where who what on Chinese Valentine’s Day at a coffee shop at a teas shop Li Fang Hu Jin A sad love story Read the text quickly and answer the questions. Who are the leading characters(主人公)? Li Fang and Hu Jin. When did this story happen? On Valentine’s Day. 3. Which paragraphs talk about Qiqiao Festival? Para 34 Scanning Task 1 Read paragraph 3 4 and fill in the chart. Introduction Zhinv, the _______ girl, the most _____ of the daughters, visited the earth and met Niulang, the _____ boy. Development They ___ _ ___ , married _______ and were very happy. Climax (高潮) The Goddess of Heaven got so _____ that she _____ Zhinv _____ __ Heaven. Niulang tried to ______ her but was _______ by the Milky Way. Thus, the couple were _________. Ending The Goddess of Heaven ______ the couple to meet once a year on the seventh day of the seventh _____ month when magpies made a ______ of their wings. weaving herd fell in love follow lunar bridge lovely secretly angry made separated stopped allowed return to A sad love story of Li Fang and Hu Jin on Valentine’s Day Task 2 Another story Li Fang Hu Jin * heart-broken not turn up look forward with his roses and chocolates Be laughed at? Fool? not keep her word Throw away his roses and chocolates * tea shop Why are you so late? I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. ve been waiting for coffee shop At last…


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