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. PAGE .. 摘要 本文首先在对该系统的整体结构、控制方案和各部分功能实现的方法进行了详细分析,并设计出该系统的硬件电路。其中硬件电路包括主电路和控制电路,在控制电路中以ARM(LPC2148)控制器为核心,通过键盘的给定频率并由LPC2148控制智能模块SA4828产生可调频率的SPWM方波,并通过SPWM控制技术对交流电机实现恒压频比控制,并用数码管对当前频率进行实时显示。 主电路包括整流、滤波和逆变电路。为了三相交流异步电动机的可靠性,还设计了软启动电路、过欠压、过热、过流保护电路。使设计的可靠性得到了提高。 在软件设计中,采用通用的模块化设计方式,编写了三相交流异步电动机调速程序,并且使用C语言进行程序,在 ADS(ARM Developer Suite)开发环境下编译、链接、运行通过。 论文的创新点在于将ARM嵌入式微处理器作为控制核心结构简单、可靠易行。相对于传统交流调速,该系统采用全数字式控制方式,极大地提高了系统的实时性能。 关键词:ARM 变频调速 智能功率模块 恒压频比控制 SPWM Abstract In this paper,first The whole structure and control scheme of the system, realization methods for all Parts have been analyzed in detail, then, the feasibility of design is demonstrated, and hardware circuit is designed. The system hardware circuit is composed of the power circuit and control circuit ,the control circuit uses LPC2148 as its core,the frequency is given with keyset , the LPC2148 control intelligent module SA4824 ,and can generate a variable SPWM wave, this system use SPWM Technology to realize constant U/f Control of AC motor, and displays frequency at present with LED The Power circuit includes rectification,filtering and inverter. In order to improve reliability of three Phase AC asynchronous motor, the paper also designed soft start circuit and other protect circuits such as the undervoltage and overvoltage, the too overheated and the output flow. So that the reliability of the design has been enhanced. Software is designed the process ,the speed-adjusted program of three Phase AC asynchronous motor control system has been Written with C language,compiled, linked and run in ADS(ARM Developer Suite) environment successfully . The innovation of this paper consists in its simplicity and reliability using ARM embedded microprocessor as the kernel .Relative to traditional Variable speed ,this system adopts digital control, and promotes the performance and anti-jamming Keywords ARM, variable frequency variable speed,U/f control method,SPWM 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l


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