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反思刑事被告之審判期日在場義務 1 反思刑事被告之審判期日在場義務 Rethinking the Defendant’s Duty to Appear before the Court on the Trial Date 薛智仁 Chih-Jen Hsueh 摘 要 依刑事訴訟法規定,刑事被告負有於審判期日全程在場之義務,若不 履行此項義務,則可能受到拘提或羈押。由此可知,在場義務對刑事被告 之行動自由及其他受法律保護之利益干預甚深 ,有必要釐清其實質理由為 何,以檢視其是否符合比例原則。在批判性地分析德國法學界的研究成果 之後,本文主張:保障被告之聽審請求權及實現犯罪預防效果等觀點,無 法構成全程在場義務之合理根據,被告原則上享有是否出席審判期日之決 定自由,此一自由唯有基於促進真實發現之目的始得加以限制。以此為出 發點,未來在立法上應廢除被告於審判期日之全程在場義務,改由法院依 個案裁量在場義務之射程,擴大被告缺席判決的可能性,以兼顧被告權利 保障與刑事司法之有效運作。 關鍵詞: 審判期日、在場義務、聽審請求權、發現真實、被告缺席判決、訴訟照料 義務、程序主體地位 - 225 - 2 臺北大學法學論叢 第八十五期 Abstract In accordance with the regulations in the Code of Criminal Procedure, a criminal defendant has the duty to appear before the court to attend the whole process on the trial date. Failing to abide by this rule will result in his being detained or taken into custody. It is clear that the duty to appear before the court might cause the invasion of the defendant’s freedom of movement and other interests protected by the law. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the fundamental reasons for such regulation to decide whether such regulation is in violation of the principle of proportionality. After a critical analysis of the research result of the German legal society, this article contends that arguments such as protecting the defendant’s right to be heard, crime prevention, etc. do not justify the defendant’s duty to appear before the court to participate the whole process. Basically, the defendant shall have the freedom to decide whether


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