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第 25 卷 第 4 期 电子设计工程 2017 年 2 月 Vol.25 No.4 Electronic Design Engineering Feb. 2017 基于改进入侵野草算法的文本特征选择研究 丁 雪 ,高 尚 (江苏科技大学 计算机科学与工程学院 ,江苏 镇江 212003 ) 摘要 : 为了更有效地进行文本特征的选择 ,提高选择精度 ,在一种基于标准入侵野草算法的文本特 征选择方法基础上 ,采用改进的入侵野草算法 ,即在标准算法中结合小生境思想 ,对野草种群进行分 类竞争繁殖 ,以增加种群的多样性 ,提高该算法的全局寻优能力 ,同时在算法的后期采用自适应小生 境数来提高收敛精度 ,从而提高文本特征选择的准确率 ,最后通过仿真实验与其他方法进行对比 ,证 实了该方法的良好效果。 关键词 : 文本特征 ; 特征选择 ; 入侵野草算法 ; 小生境 中图分类号 : 文献标识码 : 文章编号 ( ) TN101 A : 1674-6236 2017 04-0022-05 An improved invasive weed optimization algorithm for text feature selection DING Xue , GAO Shang (School of Computer Science and Engineering , Jiangsu University of Science and Technology , Zhenjiang 212003 ,China ) Abstract: In order to be more effectively , and to improve the accuracy of text feature selection , on the basis of text feature selection method based on standard invasion weeds algorithm , a method based on a kind of improved invasion weeds algorithm is proposed , namely to introduce the niche thought to classify the population reproduction competition , increase species diversity , improve the global search capability of the algorithm , and in the late algorithm using adaptive niche to improve the convergence precision , so as to improve the accuracy of text feature selection.Finally , the good results of the method is confirmed by simulation experiment comparing with other methods. Key words: text feature ; feature selection ; invasive weed optimization ; niche algorithm


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