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CM V 甜瓜分离物外壳蛋白基因的克隆及植物表达载体的构建 1 , 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 马新艳 ,古勤生 , 刘丽锋 , 李  宁 , 杨民和 , 彭  斌 , 李  莉 ( 1. 中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所生物技术中心 , 河南郑州 450009 ; 2 . 江西农业大学农学院 , 江西南昌330045 ;3 . 福建师范大 学生物工程学院 ,福建福州 350007) Cloning and Construction of Plant Expression of the Coat Protein Gene of a Melon Isolate of Cucumber Mosaic Virus MA Xinyan1 , 2 , GU Qinsheng 1 , L IU Lifeng1 , L I Ning1 , YAN G Minhe3 , P EN G Bin1 , L I Li1 ( 1. Z heng z hou I ns t it ute of Pom ol ogy , CA A S , Z heng z hou 450009 , Chi na; 2 . Col leg e of A g ricul t u re , J i ang x i A g ricul t ural Uni ) vers i ty , N anchang330045 , Chi na; 3. Col leg e of B iolog ical Eng i neeri ng , F uj i an N orm al Uni vers ity , F uz hou350007 , Chi na Abstract : The coat p rot ein gene of Cucumber mo saic viru s ( CMV) f ro m melo n i solat e (C H99/ 90) wa s amp lified by R TPCR f ro m t he tot al RN A of infect ed zucchini leave s an d cloned into p U Cm T vector . The gene co n si st ed of 657 nucleotide s enco ding 2 18 p ut ative amino acid s. N ucleotide sequence alignment s showed t hat t he CP gene shared 92 . 2 % ~93 . 9 % ho molo gy wit h t hat of CMV subgroup I st rain s , w herea s only 76 . 8 %~77 . 8 % ho molo gy wit h t hat of CMV subgro up II st rain s. The nucleotide sequence shared 9 1. 8 %~93 . 4 % ho molo gy wit h CMV i solat e p revio u sly report ed f ro m China excep t for XB i solat e . Thi s


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