外研社中职英语基础模块修订版PPT UNIT9.ppt

外研社中职英语基础模块修订版PPT UNIT9.ppt

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Reading and Writing 再读上文,选出其中还涉及 Read again and tick. 2 哪些岗位。 painter electrician mechanic salesperson doctor bank teller √ √ √ √ √ Reading and Writing 读下文,将工作能力与其描述匹配。 Read and match. 3 ability to communicate with people 2. ability to discover new ways of thinking and doing things 3. ability to use the computer 4. ability to work in a team 5. ability to arrange time, deal with people and do things in a balanced way organisational skills communication skills computer skills teamwork skills creative skills 5 1 3 4 2 Read again and fill. 再读上文,列出以下工作岗位 Reading and Writing 4 最需要的能力。 Read and learn. 读下文,了解下列人员的不同观点。 Reading and Writing Certificates are necessary for us to get jobs. With a certificate we can find jobs more easily than those without certificates. Therefore, we should try to get as many certificates as we can. 为找到好工作,证书是非常必要的。与那些没有证书的应聘者相比,有证书可以让我们更容易得找到工作。因此,我们应当尽可能多得获取证书。 5 Reading and Writing Certificates alone are not enough for us to get jobs. It is true that we can get jobs with the help of certificates. However, we may lose the job if we fail to do it well. 对我们来说,要想找到工作只拥有证书是不够的。确实,证书可以帮助我们找到工作。然而,如果我们不能胜任自己的工作,也可能会失去它。 该句包含一个if引导的条件状语从句,fail to do sth.:未能做……。 例如:He failed to pass the exam. Reading and Writing Ability is more important than anything else. At school, we should try to acquire more knowledge. We should also do some skills training outside of school. 能力比其他任何事情都重要。在学校,我们应当努力掌握更多知识。在校外,我们应当多参与一些技能培训活动。 Reading and Writing Think and discuss. 讨论,证书和能力哪个更重要。 6 More Activities Fill and compare. 填写下表,比较你和同学在 1 职业选择上的异同。 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ More Activities Make a report. 根据比较结果进行汇报。 2 For example: My partner wants to get an exciting job. He likes to work with people in an office. He hopes to wear a suit at his job… Around the World 参考译文 Dog walking, as a profession, originated in the US. Some may think that it’s a perfect job, because dog walkers won’t be imprison


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