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第 24 卷第 6 期 体 育 学 刊 Vol.24 No.6 2017 年 11 月 Journal of Physical Education N o v . 2 0 1 7 ·竞赛与训练· 法国青少年足球训练实践与理念及其启示 25 李春阳 (南京师范大学体育科学学院,江苏 南京 210023 ) 摘 要:对法国青少年足球训练实践与理念进行研究。“五步训练法”是法国青少年足球训 练实践的核心内容,它包括对抗热身、协调性训练、情景训练、技术训练和比赛,其中除协调性 训练之外其它 4 部分是递进相连的,是围绕一个训练主题展开的。法国青少年足球训练设计的理 论基础是行为主义理论和构建主义理论,在这两种理论的指导下总结出两种训练法和 3 种教学模 式指导训练实践,同时体现出其训练理念。法国青少年足球训练理念一切围绕比赛,培养球员的 思考能力和创造力。为更好提高我国青少年足球水平,需要做到构建具有国际视野的足球新理念; 调整足球训练课内容结构,围绕主题、注重对抗性训练;引导球员学会比赛,用“脑”踢球。 关 键 词:竞赛与训练;运动训练;法国足球;青少年 中图分类号:G808 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2017)06-0127-05 French teenager football training practice and philosophy and inspirations therefrom LI Chun-yang (School of Physical Education,Nanjing Normal University ,Nanjing 210023 ,China) Abstract: The author studied French teenager football training practice and philosophy, and drew the following con- clusions: the “five-step training method” is the core content of French teenager football training practice, it includes contesting warm-up, coordination training, scenario training, technique training and competition, in which all the other 4 parts except coordination training are connected progressively, and developed according to a training theme; the theoretical foundations of French teenager football training design are behaviorism theory and constructivism theory, and guided by such two theories, two training methods and three teaching modes are established to guide training prac- tice, also to sho


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