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经济学十大原理 * 1.3 整体经济如何运行 短期内(1-2年),许多经济政策朝相反的方向推动通货膨胀与失业 其它因素使这种权衡取舍不那么明显,但这种权衡取舍一直都存在 原理 10 :社会面临通货膨胀与失业之间的短期权衡取舍 内容提要 关于个人做出决策的基本结论是: 人们面临不同目标之间的权衡取舍 任何一种行为的成本可以用其所放弃的机会来衡量 理性人通过比较边际成本与边际利益做出决策 人们根据他们所面临的激励改变自己的行为 * 内容提要 关于人们之间相互交易的基本结论是: 贸易可以是互利的 市场通常是协调人们之间经济活动的一种好方法 通过纠正市场失灵或提高经济中的平等程度,政府可以潜在地改善市场结果 * 内容提要 关于整体经济的基本结论: 生产率是生活水平的最终根源 货币量的增长是通货膨胀的最终根源 社会面临着通货膨胀与失业之间的短期权衡取舍 * * You might want to elaborate a bit on some of the points made here. Some examples: “How do people decide how much to work?” Time is scarce resource – there’s just not enough time to do everything we’d like to do. How do we decide how much of our time to spend working? There’s a tradeoff: the more time we spend working, the higher our income, and therefore the more stuff we can buy. But, the more time we spend working, the less time we have for leisure – hanging out with friends, going hiking, watching movies, etc. (You might want to ask your students how THEY decide how much time to spend working. Some will say it depends on how many classes they are taking, or the time requirements of the available jobs. But probably at least a few will say the wage – the higher the wage, the more worthwhile to work.) “How do firms decide what kind of labor to hire?” Firms can hire unskilled or skilled workers. The skilled workers are more productive, but cost more than the unskilled workers. “How do firms decide how much to produce?” Ask your students, and see if any of them say “it depends on the price of the product they sell.” (Probably some will say “it depends on whether there’s a lot of demand for the product”. To which you might respond “and if there’s a lot of demand for the product, what does that mean for the price that firms can get for the product?”) * HEADS UP. The 5th edition uses “equality.” The fourth and earlier editions used “equity” here. You may want to elaborate verbally on the last bullet to insure that the point is clear. “Redistribute income from wealthy



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