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Subject : The Development of Well Cementation Seal and Separate
Device Control System Based on Temperature and pH Value.
Specialty : Mechatronic Engineering
Name : Minye He (Signature)
Instructor : Yang Yu (Signature)
Due to the fact of the continuing exploit and rely on energy resources like petroleum and natural gas worldwide, the producing safety problem of oil gas well’s casing and cementing has been paid more attention. Good well cementing operation can not only guarantee personal safety of well cementing operators, it also raises the production efficiency for the country. At the same time, it lowers maintenance costs. Well cementing operation has developed more quickly oversea, however, the developing speed is far more slow in our country and spot effect is unsatisfactory. After a series of relating literature review and research, the author found that all the papers about well cementation, no matter at home or abroad, are concentrating on the research and development of cement’s performance. The thesis first proposed a way to improve the quality of well cementation and block the gas--to (use the physical characteristics of snakelike hose) based on the original well cementation method.
The author adopts exploratory design ideas to develop an automatic control integration system under well. The system uses temperature probe and pH value sensor to judge the position of cement paste during well cemetation operation. It processes digital—analog conversion of voltage values by the use of the 12 high-accuracy ADC of master chip 8051F410.Then, it compares gathered signal with preinstall parameter of single chip. Hardware circuit mainly composed of temperature data acquisition, pH value data acquisition, continuous current dynamo control and serial port communication. The whole system utilizes high-precision acquisition circuit that can gain the sensor signal accurately. Also, it takes a
series of anti-interference measures.
The control system upper co
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