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Indu st rial Engin eerin g and Man agement No . 2 , 200 8 200 8 2
: 100725429( 2008) 0220112206
赵希男, 温 馨, 贾建锋
( , 110004)
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: C93 1 : A
Research on the Measuring Models of Person2Post Matching and
Its Application in Organizations
WEN Xin , ZH AO Xi2n an , JIA J ian2feng
( Sch ool of Bu sin ess Adm in ist rat ion, Nor th east er n Un iversit y, Shenyang 110004 , Ch ina)
Abstr act: Th e in dex es describ in g th e st an dards of t he p osit ion are cat egorized three t ypes:
st andar d value, interval value an d crit ical v alu e. Aimin g at th e first t wo t ypes, t h e measuring
models t h at m an2p ost match in g degree of h orizont al an d vert ical are given by th e calculat ing
meth ods of spat ial distan ce an d relat iv it y. Considering th e occup ant s some t yp es may b e ex ceed
th e st an dards of t h e posit ion, t he match in g degree of sect ion is proposed , and depict in g it by u2
sing t h e curve of t he occup ant s t yp es . At last , a numerical examp le is given t o illust rate t he va2
lidity of t h e prop osed met hods.
Key words: man2p ost mat ch ing m atch in g degr ee measur in g met h ods human resources
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[ 1]
, Kristof Paul Mil2
, gr om J ohn Rob erts