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word文档整理分享 参考资料 摘要 人才发展战略是企业人力资源战略的核心,已成为企业发展战略的重要组成部分。它的核心是培养人、吸引人、使用人、发掘人。人才战略是对未来的思考,着重研究人才对推动企业可持续发展、长远发展的作用。人才是企业最宝贵的资源,也是企业最大的财富,而建立长远的人才战略则是企业持续发展的根本保证。本文以华为公司为例,简述了华为公司的发展过程,从人才、人力资源战略概念出发,综述了国内外学者对人才发展战略的研究进程,对概念之间的逻辑关系进行总结和推论,并将华为公司与其它企业进行了简单对比,得出华为取得如此大成功的原因,对它的人才战略内容与特点进行了分析及带给我们的启示,以探究现代企业人才发展战略理论依据。 关键词:华为公司;人才战略;实证研究 ABSTRACT Talent development strategy is the core of human resource strategy, and has become an important part of enterprise development strategy. Its core is to train people, attract people, use people, explore people. Talent strategy is a reflection on the future, focusing on the role of talent in promoting sustainable development and long-term development of enterprises. Talent is the most valuable resources of enterprises, but also the greatest wealth of enterprises, and the establishment of long-term talent strategy is the fundamental guarantee for sustainable development of enterprises. This paper takes the example of HUAWEI company, HUAWEI company introduced the development process, starting from the concept of talents, human resources strategy, summarizes the research process of domestic and foreign scholars on the strategy of talent development, the logical relationship between the concept of summary and inference, and HUAWEI company will make a simple comparison with other enterprises, that HUAWEI has reason such a big success, analyzes the content and characteristics of talent strategy and Its Revelation to us, to explore the modern enterprise talent development strategy theory Key words: HUAWEI company; talent strategy; empirical study 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc31148 第一章、绪论 PAGEREF _Toc31148 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc25975 1.1研究的目的与意义 PAGEREF _Toc25975 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc5556 1.1.1研究目的 PAGEREF _Toc5556 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc6736 1.1.2研究意义 PAGEREF _Toc6736 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc15341 1.2研究的理论依据与研究方法 PAGEREF _Toc15341 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc14965 1.2.1理论依据 PAGEREF _Toc14965 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc32693 1


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