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29 4 Vol.29 No.4 Journal of Shandong University of Science and Technology    77 2010 8 Aug.2010 Nat u ral S cie nce 煤矿采掘工作面粉尘防治技术及其发展趋势 ,  ,  ,  ,,   (山东科技大学 资源与环境工程学院, 山东 青岛 266510) :随着煤矿采掘机械化程度的不断提高, 矿 的开采方法和采煤工艺向着高效、集约化生产的方向发展, 产尘 量大大增加, 严重威胁着我国煤矿的安全高效生产和作业人员的身心健康。总结了目前国内外煤矿采掘工作面喷 雾降尘、化学除尘、空气幕隔尘和除尘器除尘等粉尘防治技术的研究和应用状况, 探讨了粉尘防治技术在该领域的 发展趋势,期望为采掘工作面的粉尘防治提供多种方法和手段。 :煤矿;采掘工作面;粉尘防治;发展趋势 :TD7 14    :A   :1672-3767 (2010)04-0077-06 The Prevention and Control Technology of Dusts in Heading and Winning Faces and Its Development Tendency CHENG Wei-min,LIU Wei,NIE Wen,ZHOU Gang,CUI Xiang-fei,SUN Xin (C llege f Res urces and Envir nmental Engineering, S US T, Qingda , Shand ng 2665 10, China) Abstract:With the devel pment f mechanizati n in c almines, the meth ds and techn l gies f mining in c almines are t w ards the directi n f efficient and intensive pr ducti ns, pr ducing large am unt f dusts and threatening the safe and efficient pr ducti n f c al and the phy sical and mental health f perati n pers nnel.This paper summa- rized the current research and applicati n f the preventi n and c ntr l f dusts, such as the dust reducti n with wa- ter spraying, chemical dust c llecti n, dust is lati n with air curtain and dust c llecti n with dust c llect rs in c alfaces.The paper als discussed the devel pment tendency in the preventi n and c ntr l f dusts, expecting t pr vide vari us meth ds and means f r the preventi n and c nt r l f c al dusts in heading and wining faces. Key words:c almine;heading and w ining faces;preventi n and c ntr l f dusts;devel pment tendency   。, , 、、


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