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第 28卷第 1期 重 庆 交通 大学 学 报 ( 自然 科学 版 ) V ol. 28 No. 1 2009年 2月 JOURNAL OF CHONGQ ING JIAOTONG UN IVERSITY( NATURAL SC IENCE) Feb. 2009 童思陈, 高 建, 许光祥, 钟 亮 ( , 400074 ) : , ADV, , , , : ; ; ; ; : TV1 1 : A : 2009) Calculation of the Longitudinal Depth Averaged Velocity D istribution of Curved Conduit Flow TONG Sichen, GAO Jian, XU Guangxiang, ZHONG L iang ( School of R iver Ocean Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, Ch ina) Abstract: The hydrau lic characteristics of curved condu it flow are one of themost interesting subjects to hydraulic research ers. Among them the longitud inal depth averaged velocity d istribu tion is an mi portant topic. A generalized curved conduit flow expermi ent w as em ployed to obtain the longitud inal velocity param eters by adopting the ADV to measure the D flow velocity data. Based on the calcu lation m ethods of w ater surface transverse grad ient and longitud inal grad ient in curved flow, a longitudinal depth averaged velocity d istribution form ulaw as theoretically established to exp lore the bend flow char acteristics. Resu lts show that the calcu lated data agree well w ith them easured ones, w hich provides a theoretic basis to ex p lore the hydraulic characteristics profoundly. K ey words: hydrau lics; curved condu it flow; longitud inal velocity; depth averaged; velocity d istribu tion 1 , , [ 4] Bu le, 19 4 , ( Iow a R iver), Eak in (M ississip



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